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Skirmish / 1.23 patch updates

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Okay, in the ten minutes after posting this, another post was made to the Lodestone announcing that patch 1.23 has gone live, a day ahead of schedule if I'm remembering correctly.


Doubled up the post for this one. The Grand Companies pages has been updated with Skirmish information giving some details about the locations, Turtleback Island and Locke's Lie, as well as some other tidbits.


The patch update page is the same old same old, with links to what's being changed. I won't list it here because there's a lot of stuff. An interesting thing I will add is a new emote: /pray. Players can now take up a pray stance. The only thing missing is more story information, but I'm sure that will come with time! Links to the individual pages are as follows:


Grand Company page:



Patch 1.23 notes:



Edit: Oh yeah, with the new version update this week, the Goobbue mount will become unobtainable, so if you don't have it: Get it now! (the patch notes has a link to how to get one. There's no super long quest, just get to lvl 30 and go get it!)


/pray emote:


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