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An Introductory Post!

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Greetings and Salutations!


I'm not exactly "new" around here, I should mention. I've been RPing on XIV for about a year and a half, give or take a few months at this point, and I've tried to get out into the community as much as possible.


With that said, it never hurts to try and make others aware of my character to increase the chances of getting random RP, right? It's become quite the chore, for a number of reasons as of late. But moving along from that, allow me to offer a brief introduction! I don't want to give too much away, after all!


I play a character named Rufus Wightman. He's a 27 year old, male hyur midlander who works for the Jackal and Hide Free Company. In days past, he was once a Free Paladin, but a short while ago, he was afflicted with a dark magic - one which latched onto his very being, and began to eat away at him. During this time, the darkness within his own heart awoke, and began to plague him with nightmares and the likes. He's since taken steps to gain dominion over this darkness, seeing no alternative and no way to return to his former Paladin-hood, having lost the job-defining Soul Crystal. He's begun to embrace what he has become, and endures despite it. Even with this going on, he strives his best to remain as friendly and approachable as possible, as he gets bored rather easily without social interaction.


I'll leave a link to Rufus's full RPC page, just in case I happened to pique your interest. If not? Thanks for looking anyway!



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