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Emanuel Miller - Thaumaturge of Nald'thal

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"The vengeance of the dead shall drag you into Thal's Realm"



Emanuel Victor is a Thaumaturge of the Order of Nald'thal. He is a man burdened by not only living up to his own father but also to the art of Black Magic and his own duty. Even with this weight on his shoulders he manages to break a smile from time to time in order to give the living and the dead of Eorzea a better life. Following more of a mixed version between the old style of Thaumaturgy and the newer teachings he tends to keep his hands full, whether it's assisting the dead onto passing into Thal's realm or blasting down more direct threats. The darkness is his home and he seeks no fame nor glory for his actions. As long as he knows his sins are done for the better of the realm he is content - even if no one knows about them.



Seem interesting to you or your PC? Give me a tell, PM, or walk up to him whenever he is IC! 



Example of Interactions: [ Inspiration - Ja'rhem Khalaa ]



  • Thaumaturge - Emanuel is rather old school in his Thaumaturgy. He knows the ways of the old and tends to follow them even though he was trained by the newer mentorship making him an odd hybrid. Known him from the teachings? Look up to his style of Thaumaturgy? Maybe just want someone to learn from? Thaumaturges of Ul'dah are welcomed! 

  • Clients - As a member of the Order of Nald'thal he takes up client's and assists them in what they need. The profit he makes is split between himself and the Ossuary. Zombies making your life difficult? Need a burial done? Graverobbers waking up your dead uncle from his sleep? Have a will that needs to be followed? Even just assistance with the Aether.

  • Merchants  - Need a blessing of Nald done? Maybe need someone who sabotaged the flow of commerce to get a bit of a reminder?

  • Black Mages - I'm a bit iffy on this. Emanuel wouldn't use his magic in public and certainly not with the same clothing he walks around in but we'll see.

  • Others - Maybe you don't fill out one of these criteria? Doesn't matter anyways all walks of life are opened for RP! It will be neat to see the views of others and seeing how he will react to it. 

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