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Bloodsands RP


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[align=center]Welcome to the Coliseum, friend. This place is home to the bloodsands, where wielders of both steel and spell come to dance the deadly dance of battle. [/align]



[align=center]The linkshell[/align]

This is a general interest, open OOC linkshell for gladiators, competitors, fans, and even coordinators and staff (if we have some floating about out there) to network, meet other like-minded characters, and discuss lore. We are severely lacking a means to connect all our awesome gladiator rpers on Balmung! Let's all get connected! Find a new tag team partner or even form a new rivalry. Find characters to brag to about your latest victory or commiserate with about an embarrassing loss. Make new rp connections or come to chat about lore. Come join in our love of all things Bloodsands.



[align=center]Who may join?[/align]

This interest LS is open for anyone who plays a gladiator (current, retired, or even aspiring), a fan, or anyone somehow connected to the Coliseum or the Bloodsands itself. This is a place to connect our characters and our lore and meet new characters and players with similar interests.




As this is an ooc linkshell about rp and lore. This is not a place to gripe about how someone rps or pve content. Heated discussions are okay, just keep them civil.


Harassment towards other players, harmful slang, and bullying are not permitted and we will remove the offenders.


[align=center]How to join[/align]

/tell one of the leaders to be invited!


  • Valentinoix Thibault aka "The blind fighter Valentine" (alt: Jeantremont Arbeau). Available in PST
  • Mhaya Bajihri. Available EST


I also have a

discussion thread going for questions and comments, or feel free to ask right here.

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