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Photoshop Randomness <.<


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Hello!I saw the art section. I browsed the art section.I LOVED the art section.Now, I shall post in the art section!I do forum siggy stuff and basic photo-manipulations from time to time. I am by no means a photoshop expert, but I'd like to think I've come a long way from my MS Paint days. :PI think I still have so much to learn, but I get better as I go. I think the quality from recent stuff to years past is quite noticeable!But compared to the threads I've seen so far, my talent is definitely years behind! D:Anywho... I just wanted to fit in and share some stuff. Kind of... dip my newbie toe into the community waters, if you will. So. Here. And stuff. <3Photo-manipulations from Stock Images ^.^OYzMcm0.jpgBKiZCf9.jpgCouple of Facebook Banners ^.^P2NS5p6.jpg?1kLPe9dZ.jpg?1Gif Sigs!  Nothing really recent. (Couple years old)f5fUtS5.gifTGujq6K.gifd5Wy8AG.gifSiggies!! most of these are newer-ish. Some a little older. (They're not in order of age) This is only a portion of the ones I've done. :3 Definitely have a couple hundred kicking around!60dPH6s.pngWyHPS1Y.jpgA1nsMaP.jpgTz1u4XK.jpgiVqH5Vt.jpgjcnRjgi.jpgMqYk8VR.jpgu1k94Ei.jpgbbs8K5w.jpgNyepULj.jpgm18D69z.jpgIkvyYSS.jpg3u50QZB.jpghjbRLeY.jpgEaz6Ymz.jpgbntoE4M.jpg13nqdRa.jpgdSC2DXj.jpgloUeRi0.jpgouQJMVB.png>swNVsbD.jpg4rcsouO.jpgAXsymvX.jpgWlMskFn.jpgDNlxRPa.jpgYQbgWEO.jpgcJBJuXy.jpgvQe5Dha.jpgVnXw9R1.pngBaCHWbW.png5k9Hyhp.jpg

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