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Conjurer w/ Espionage Background Hoping to Find FC/LS

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Hello! I just want to preface this by saying that I'm aware of the Linkshell Hall and I have in fact been studying it like I'm going to be graded on it. But I thought it might be useful to also make a post here about what I'm hoping to find and what I hope to bring to a potential FC or LS. I am a heavy RPer with a background in writing, and I love developing/getting involved in complex story lines. 


Solenne is a conjurer, but she also has a background as a spy, infiltrator, and liberator of falsely-accused Ishgardian heretics. She's a skilled actress, lockpicker, and pickpocket, and she knows her way around poisons and other methods of assassination not requiring brute strength. Although she would be happy to offer her services to an FC as a conjurer, she'll also want an opportunity to use her less conventional talents. She likes danger and gets bored easily.


She is good-aligned, but definitely leaning toward chaotic. If she believes in her cause, she'll work against governments, guilds, etc. without compunction. She is also idealistic - money is not a sufficient motivator.


Are there any FCs or Linkshells currently recruiting that could use someone like Solenne in their ranks?

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She sounds extremely interesting. I'm actually unsure if she would fit in with the Wayfarers or not, but I wouldn't mind adding you to my friends list to aid in a plot with my Ishgardian.


If you would like more info feel free to PM me on either the FC or the plot. Take care and good luck. : )


Wayfarers of Eorzea

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are still looking let me know :)

I'm looking into a few options right now, but Solenne is not currently in an FC. I'm open to suggestions!

Well theres the Fc I belong to Path Finder Society. Its a light to medium rp fc that works on a bit of endgame content nothing static but its a great bunch of people. :) Feel free to message me for more details if you would like them.

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