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Hello :D

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Name: Laira Caeleryn

FC: Crystal Guard

Server: Excalibur


I am new, obviously. I have been playing FF-XIV on/off since the launch of 2.0. I recently started getting into character development for my muse.


I've been developing Laira's character arch for a few months now. I have a few character goals in mind already, but its getting lonely developing Laira's story by myself.


I also have a question. I've been trying to figure out how to create a page for Laira on the RPC Library, but have been unsuccessful.


I am excited to get to know people and start having fun with you guys.

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*whispers in your ear-"Transfer to Balmung*


Anyways welcome to the RPC!


And as far as creating a wiki page, click the link up top, go to the search bar to the right and search your characters name.. Just click your blue highlighted name and it will create the page.


Hope this helps!

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I have thought about going to Balmung, but am too attached to my FC atm. I might end up recreating my character on balmung for RP purposes though.


Well forum/skype RP are still a thing.


Though to do that I'd highly recommend posting about your character in the "Making Connections" & the "Player Directory" so we can get an idea of who your character is.


Feel free to PM me any question.

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