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Alliance of Free Ships


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[align=center]Alliance of Free Ships[/align]


[align=left]The A.F.S is an alliance between (currently) three free companies who all share the desire to

venture out into the great skies with their airships. Together they have several ships at their disposal, and a solid agreement about splitting the findings from each mission evenly between them.


Invitation to the LS, beyond through membership of the Free Companies in the alliance, will only happen only after IC interaction with either of the Free Companies leaders/officers (or otherwise appointed person.)

The participating Free Companies are:

The Kindred (KinRP)

Jackal & Hide (JH-RP)

Radical Dreamers (RD-RP)


We have no planned frequency for the Airship Missions as of yet, we will likely need to complete some OOC test-runs as well as an IC test-run or two before we see any rhythm happening. Worth to note, is that the IC events will likely happen during the EU evening.

The LS is primarily OOC, but may be used ICly during events.


This LS post is mainly to serve as a point where information gets kept about the ships & the crew, as the RPC is nice and accessible for all of us. If you want to know more about the project, feel free to contact Nailah Quill. As the project develops, more information & contacts will be available.



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