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Deviance Praxis, a NSFW erotic roleplay community

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Deviance Praxis [FFXIV] [behemoth]

[align=left]Thread Type: Guild

Method of Contact: In-game

EU or NA: North American

Server: Behemoth - US[/align]


Hello and greetings to all; ladies, gentlemen, and those in-between! My name is Haharu Haru, and I'm here to advertise on behalf of an up-and-coming Free Company for Final Fantasy X|V: A Realm Reborn, on Behemoth sever. What company is that, you ask? It's a little group we like to call...


[align=center]Deviance Praxis aka [/align]


What Are We?

Deviance Praxis is growing Free Company established on Behemoth server. Established one month ago (to the day!), Deviance Praxis was originally formed by a loose group of like-minded individuals from the /d/ sub-board of 4chan looking for people to enjoy FFX|V with together. Behemoth was chosen as our home server, due to it being both a newer server and being somewhat-easier for people to create characters on. Over time, with the introduction of new blood from a variety of online sources from all over the world (from England to Australia, and points in-between!), our little community has blossomed and thrived. Currently the Deviance Praxis Free Company is now Rank 8 with over 50 active members and still growing, and always looking for new blood to keep things fresh and exciting!


What Do We Do?

Deviance Praxis is very active, with often more than 20 members online at peak times. We cater to both new players looking to explore FFX|V for the first time, as well as veteran players that are looking to reinvigorate their interest in the game, either by starting new characters, finding new people to do content with, or simply having new people to chat with! While finding new partners for role-play is, of course, one of our primary goals, Deviance Praxis is not merely a repository for fuck-alts. Many of our players are new to FFX|V and experiencing Eorzea for the first time, and even most of our veteran players enjoy clearing content on a casual basis and helping the newbies rise up through everything the game has to offer. Of course, in addition to dungeons, trials, FATEs, and Hunt marks, Deviance Praxis also holds regular role-playing events, such as our character scene Auctions where members will bid on proposed role-playing scenes (submitted by the members themselves), with all profits going towards our guild coffers for improving our housing. We also have a Linkshell (affectionately named "Who Has the D?"), which we use for "public" role-playing when members feel like indulging their exhibitionist/voyeuristic sides with the rest of the FC. We also encourage members to record logs of their lewd sessions (with the consent of all participants, of course), which are posted to a central spreadsheet for all to peruse and enjoy! We're even working on collecting individual fiction written by members in the same database, for those of us with more creative energy than they know what to do with! Needless to say, when not up to lewds, no one is wanting for anything (or one) to do~


Who Are We?

The primary leadership of Deviance Praxis is split the lovable Haharu Haru, and myself, our resident Mama Bear, Coiled Mahogany. We take things pretty lightly for the most part, concerned more with coordinating FC events and recruiting efforts than with getting in the way of people's fun. We do our level best to keep drama out of the FC, settling what (blessedly) few disputes we've had in private conversations with civil discussion. Rather than flout authority, I like to consider our group's operating more of a direct democracy; input from all members isn't just valued, it's actively sought-out, and beyond merely asking for feedback we're always asking our members how we can improve and do better by everyone.


As mentioned, our membership is fairly evenly-split between new players and veteran FFX|V players, with some of the latter even going so far as to transfer their mains over to Behemoth! Personally I like to think that last fact gives testament to the quality of our community, but of course I might be a little biased... Generally-speaking, however, our membership shows a degree of maturity and camaraderie I've rarely seen in any MMORPG guild, erotic-themed or otherwise. Members seem genuinely interested in helping each other get the most of the game and enjoy its content to the fullest, and I feel confident speaking on behalf of the leadership in saying that we are likewise genuinely devoted to keeping this FC running for the foreseeable future.


How Do I Join?

Currently Deviance Praxis is openly accepting all applications, so simply use the in-game application function to submit an application and you'll be added in no time! Barring that, feel free to contact Titus Wrathsower, Haharu Haru, or myself, and we can add you immediately. Our schedules can vary (despite our globe-spanning population, the leadership is mostly East Coast US based), so feel free message us directly here or elsewhere if for whatever reason you can't catch us online. In addition, all members of our Linkshell can invite new members, so when in doubt just look for someone with the tag in their name and ask for an invite! Our new housing is official hang-out spot, located on Plot 57, 4th Ward, The Lavender Beds!


On Character Creation

Despite being a newer server, Behemoth is still subject to character creation restrictions on occasion. If you find character creation locked at first, don't fret! Behemoth opens up regularly (it's open right now as I type this), and is usually free in the mornings or late evenings (GMT-5). If you're new to FFX|V and still on the fence about it, please be sure to check out the 14-day trial version of the game, and if you decide to stay on and upgrade to a pay account, be sure to let us know! We'd be happy to give you a recruitment code so you can score some cute (and useful!) in-game items, not the least of which is a circlet which grants you +20% XP up to level 20! If you already have a FFX|V account, feel free to make a new alt and hang out with us for a bit! Hopefully you'll like what you see and become another one of our regulars!



Ladies, gentlemen, others, thanks again so much for your time! I hope I've managed to pique your interest, and I hope my earnestness comes off as sincere, rather than as a mere shill. I encourage you, if you have any interest, to look us up. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them here or in private messages. Otherwise ... see you in Eorzea, darlings~!

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