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Radiant Stars <Stars> - queer/trans* safe community


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Hi there! I'm Aeriyn, and I'm a trans MMO player.


In pretty much every game I've played, I've been othered, set aside from the rest of the player base due to being trans, either through fear of harassment from other players or simply by being the only trans person in the guild or community. Socializing was always scary, especially in guilds where voice chat was mandatory for participating in events.


Radiant Stars is a new Free Company on Balmung that seeks to become a supportive and safe community for queer and trans* players of Final Fantasy XIV. While there are plenty of LGBTQIA-friendly Free Companies and linkshells already in the wild, I have not found any that exist specifically to provide a supportive and comforting play environment for trans players.


My goal with Radiant Stars is to alleviate those fears by building and maintaining a community that encourages transgender, nonbinary and otherwise queer members to work and play together and enjoy all that FFXIV has to offer. As we build a stable and close-knit group, we'll be able to host regular scheduled events in the three major areas of the game: middle-game PvE (leveling, FATEs, questing and glamour farming), end-game PvE (Alexander: Gordias and the upcoming Void Ark, possible Savage/EX Trial statics) and roleplaying.


Radiant Stars is a "midcore" FC in every aspect, ranging from roleplaying to PvE content. We're a little more than casual, but not quite "hardcore." Radiant Stars falls somewhere in the middle. Those looking for a dedicated pure-RP company or a serious raids-four-days-a-week endgame FC, Radiant Stars will likely not be a good fit.


However, if you're a queer or trans player, whether you're into roleplaying or PvE content or both, and you'd like to be a part of a safe community that places respect and kindness above all, you'd likely be very much at home in Radiant Stars.


Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in-game! :)




(FC forum page is currently under construction; link will be updated once it's ready to use.)

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Pretty cool!


As a whole this game is pretty accepting of LGBT people, but sometimes it's good to have a place to talk about hormones or how hard it is to get a name change :) 


I wish you luck! (I'm Trans Myself)

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Pretty cool!


As a whole this game is pretty accepting of LGBT people, but sometimes it's good to have a place to talk about hormones or how hard it is to get a name change :) 


I wish you luck! (I'm Trans Myself)


Thanks for your kind words! And yeah, that's exactly the sort of place I'm wanting to build. :)


Not to mention some good RP plots! :D


*solidarity high-five*

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Pretty cool!


As a whole this game is pretty accepting of LGBT people, but sometimes it's good to have a place to talk about hormones or how hard it is to get a name change :) 


I wish you luck! (I'm Trans Myself)


Thanks for your kind words! And yeah, that's exactly the sort of place I'm wanting to build. :)


Not to mention some good RP plots! :D


*solidarity high-five*




If you end up creating a companion linkshell or anything let me know! I'd love to join :3

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  • 1 month later...

I'm also in the position of already being in an FC, but really interested if you form a linkshell that's not FC mandatory. Also, as an FYI, I'm one of the officers of the RP FC I'm currently in and trans, so if you ever want to come RP with us, I can tell you we've got a good community as well. :) (and our names go well together, lol xD I'm in Rendezvous of Stars xD )

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