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Roaming Gems [Open, Ul'dah]

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The Quicksand in Ul'dah was not what Ayane expected when she had heard of all of the talk about it being the oasis of the desert. However once getting there, she realized that what she had been told might have been more...dodgy. She was among some rather intimidating figures, mages, swordsmen, warriors, lancers, anything from all walks of life was there. She would decide to walk up to the bar, and ask for something to drink. She was wearing a mere white sundress and a large hat to keep the sun out of her eyes, she obviously looked the part of a tourist. As she would ask Momodi for a drink, she would be given some obscure fruit juice that she didn't remember the name to.


All was quiet during her trip to Thanalan, having left her new home in Costa to travel a little, she was in unknown territory once more. But that creepy little Lalafell in Costa made her want to take time away from her little home, and she had heard of the city of Ul'dah. It was beautiful she had to admit, far different than the village she lived in when she lived in Doma. But then again she never really got to see the world, being cooped up in her family's manor all the time being prepared to be married off.


She would get up out of her seat and start to wander around the city.

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Sana was exhausted. She had been worked to near death by the Thaumaturgist guild with various menial tasks for hours on end. Worst of all now the sun was up and she wanted to be tucked away in her darkened room sleeping. As a Keeper of the Moon she still couldn't fathom how people dealt with all this SUN!


She walked with her hand trying to shade her eyes as quickly as she could. Combined with her exhaustion and wandering thoughts she didn't see the girl before she ran into her!


She cried out tersely as light flooded her weary and bloodshot eyes, "HEY! Watch where you're going!"

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Knocking into the woman, Ayane would stumble a little and then looked at her fearfully. "Oh I am so sorry, I didn't see you, I was looking around the city and I wasn't paying attention." she said, bowing her head respectfully. She had pale skin and dark brown hair cropped above her shoulders, with a blue eye and a green eye. She would try to show respect to the mage, trying her best to diffuse the situation.

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She covered her eyes again trying to see who she ran into without the bright glare of the sun blinding her. She growled a bit under her breath, dusted off, and then sighed, "It's fine. I can't see anything with all this damn light in my eyes. What are you looking for? Someplace to eat? I've found a few taverns that may be worth trying, but I've only been in Ul'dah a short time myself."

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Sana waved off her assistance with her free hand, pushing back up and dusting off some more. The dark skinned Miqo'te peered closer at her, looking her up and down, "Well if you're sightseeing there certainly is a lot to see, but I wouldn't go wandering far outside the walls.  Personally I'd wait until the evening when it's cooler, but as it is been pointed out to me repeatedly most people are accustomed to being out during the day like this."


She points to one of the stone benches scattered about the main street as well, "You can certainly also just sit around and watch all the people passing by. There are quite a mix of sights to be seen there alone. Also, you won't bump into people trying to rush somewhere."

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Sana looks at the hat and then points up to her rather large cat ears, "I'd have to poke some large holes in it to comfortably wear it.  I just didn't expect to be out when the sun came up is all."


She covers her mouth to stifle a yawn, "If there is somewhere you'd like me to point you I can do that. Otherwise, if you're going to stand here wanting to talk longer I'd prefer to do it after I've gotten some sleep and the sun has set at least."

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"Well it's really no big deal, if you wish to sleep then I will not keep you" she said with a smile, being rather polite since she knew she was eating the woman's time up for something that shouldn't have happened if she was more careful. "My name is Ayane, it was a pleasure to meet you miss"

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""My name is Saaaaaaaaa.." she covers her mouth again as another yawn forces its way free.


"Sana is my name. It would have been much more pleasant to start if it didn't involve bodily collision at least.  If we meet again then perhaps next time it will be much more of a pleasure." She nods her head and offers at least a tired ghost of a smile, "Until then, keep your eyes open. Twelve forbid you run into one of those armored brutes running about."


She moves around Ayane and towards a dark room and welcoming bed.

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