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Please forgive a bit of bad fiction to best explain the type of RP I am looking for here.



The heavy wooden door swung open, the cloaked figure slipping inside was silhouetted momentarily by flashing lightning from the storm outside.


"Father, what in the name of the Gods has happened?"asked the figure pulling back his hood.


"Levon, walk with me."  Said a large man bathed in the light of the fireplace in the room.


"It took me an hour to get here.  There is another curfew and patrols are doubled." Levon said.


"Tripled." Said Alvin Tostig as the two men walked down a hallway.


"What is it? What has happened?"  Levon asked.


"We have intercepted a courier trying to slip across the southern border." Alvin replied as they stepped in to his chamber.  Closing the door he took his son by the elbow and walked him across the room.    "We only got him because he had tangled with some kind of creature and was badly wounded."


"The SOUTHERN border? From where?"  Levon asked.


"From Ul'Dah." Alvin said.


"Ul'Dah?" Levon breathed?  "What was he carrying?"


"Detailed information on the The Flames." Alvin replied gravely.


"How detailed?"  Levon asked.


"Names, numbers of guards, posts and their changes." Alvin said.


"When did this happen?" Levon asked.


"A few hours ago but Aroa just cracked the code."Alvin replied.  "But there is more.  The missive made mention of information to follow on Limsa Lominsa as well as the Shroud."


"Are we sure about this?  Was it Empire code?" Levon asked.


"Yes, it follows their pattern.  Levon the information he was going to deliver was not gleaned by simple observation. It had to come from the inside." Alvin said.


"That is why Ala Mhigo is locked down." Levonsaid.


"Clearly they were expecting his arrival tonight."Alvin replied.


"What are we going to do?" Levon asked.


"You are going to Ul'Dah, start there.  You must discover the identities of the Imperial spies and the extent of their network.  

If the Garleans get their claws in to the city states it will make freeing Ala Mhigo that much more difficult." Alvin said.


"I can't leave. What about the network here?" Levon replied.


"Your brother will step in.  He knows the ring." Alvin said.


Levon sighed and shook his head.


Suddenly there was a loud pounding on the front door.


"You should probably leave now." Alvin said with a shake of his head.


"Right." Levon nodded.  "Be careful."



"You too, son." Alvin said.



I would really like to get in to some espionage flavored RP that is going on that would be willing to work in this angle somehow or if there is something like this going on please look me up.  Levon Tostig will be operating in the city states as Otho Blackstone (my character name).  Please feel free to enhance this idea if need be to get me included in what is going on.  Thanx for reading this and hope to "see" you in the shadows.  Be careful.

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How I wish I could do this!


I started out Rping on WoW several years ago and nothing was more fun than sneaking through the corridors of Silvermoon, placing your back into a corner, and watching a corrupt guild discuss their plans for hours only for you to go sell the information or ambush them at a vital part of their plot.


Loved it!~


Unfortunately, I haven't seen many FCs do this sort of RP on Balmung. Just because I haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist, but it's a lot harder to watch people and get information without a real stealth.


I do have an alt who does this sort of work, the spy game of learning secrets for his own means or for others, but the sort of excitement and drama that your post leads up to makes me feel like it's the start to an Assassin's Creed game, which would be an awesome FC plot if people would run it; Running about the city states, learning intel, making false friendships and using them to your advantage for the belief of doing something 'good'.


Good stuff. I hope you find something like this as it can be really fun. If not, maybe you and Cas can work together someday.


Good luck!

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Thanx Cas I will keep an eye out for you!


I really enjoy this kind of RP and did a lot of it in Star Wars Galaxies.  And thanx for pointing out this was on Balmung I forgot to mention that.


I am going to post a few more episodes of bad fiction, in the proper section of the forum this time, and see if others might want to either pull me in to what they are doing or play off what I post.


We shall see.  Anyway hope to see you out there.


Be careful.

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Hey there!


I'm not sure if you're looking for a FC or not, but regardless, Eternus could absolutely use a few darker characters on our roster.


We're a morally grey mercenary group, so the types of jobs and roleplay we do tends to be a bit dark on a deeper level!


My character names are Temariah Dawnsong and Eloweth Ayers! PM me if you think you might be interested in joining us or just associating. I'll keep an eye out for you in-game as well.

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Hey there!


I'm not sure if you're looking for a FC or not, but regardless, Eternus could absolutely use a few darker characters on our roster.


We're a morally grey mercenary group, so the types of jobs and roleplay we do tends to be a bit dark on a deeper level!


My character names are Temariah Dawnsong and Eloweth Ayers! PM me if you think you might be interested in joining us or just associating. I'll keep an eye out for you in-game as well.


Yes I am definitely looking to belong to a heavy rp fc and I don't have to just be involved in covert ops RP stories.  I will be glad to rp in whatever the fc has going on.  I will be on the lookout for you in game as well.  Thanx!

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