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Seeking Qualified Personnel

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Greetings everyone. I'm placing an add for anyone thats interested in RP jobs.


My Character is Natassia Olorin, she is a noble living in Ul'dah. I'm interested in a FC thats looking for a noble blood. Her parents own shares in the Goldsmith and Alchemists guilds. So she's pretty well off... so anyone interested in being a sibling or parent let me know.


I'm looking for people who would build up my party, be seen with me in Ul'dah... members to help build up my characters reputation.


I want at least 4 but could have more depending on how the RP starts to go.


1. The head Bodyguard: - they could be members from a knights grop someone my family hired out to protect us.


2. Second Bodyguard: they would take orders for the head bodyguard, would usually always be with me


3. My Assistant: - sets up meetings and is usually always near me, they would be in charge of my Retainer


4. MY Retainer: - carries all my belongings and money, would be my errand person.

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I'm curious as to what roleplay opportunities you are offering to those who are interested in this advert. From the general vibe I'm getting it seems like its all about establishing your character and not much more. What could an individual expect to get roleplay wise if they were to play the role of the assistant? I'm certain this type of roleplay appeals to some but it seems a little one sided committing characters to basically be servants solely to display affluence.

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Hm hm hm. Well, alright. As someone who plays a similar character type, I am going to parrot what Liadan and Alueaux said. Edda's family and retainers are 100% NPC, and even then they rarely, if ever, come up in any RP I do with anyone. That's not to say you have to do that, but not many people RP retainers, and even less are willing to play a character that is at the constant beck and call of another - especially for a player they do not know. I would advise against actively seeking for this.


Bodyguards are much more doable however, though not necessarily in the way that you'd like. There are a lot of mercenary-type PCs running around that would probably be happy to do some bodyguard RP, though I would not expect a subservient relationship from them. Perhaps it would be fun to explore the dynamics of a pampered rich girl and a mouthy ruffian that are bound by coin? Just an idea!

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In case it's relevant, I once had an idea similar to the above. I played the laid-back guardian, and the person I RP'd with played a mouthy 'princess' type of character. It was a lot of fun all around, but I have to admit it was hard to kind of 'relenquish control' of the situation, you know?


I think it's important not to mire yourself with too broad a demand with RP - you have to remain flexible. I think that's what people mean, OP, and I'm confident you'll come up with something great for everyone!

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I never thought about it that way... it is merely for game play and a group to keep me safe. Once the positions are filled I'll see what all else we would like to do, be it us traveling out of Ul'dah or anything that the members would want to do.


I'd suggest thinking about what sort of storyline/plot you want to embroil this entourage of yours in. Expecting PC's to follow your character around as her group in Ul'dah sounds like it would get old very quickly, without some form of story for this group to be following it will ultimately end up as four people following your character around and getting ordered to do things repeatedly for the sake of having something to do.


Like the suggestions above me, there is nothing wrong with having these characters played by NPC's who you can emote being around or at your characters beck and call, but locating players willing to do it is a tall order. The idea of having one PC bodyguard is much more workable, but still requires some kind of plot to push it forward else they are just being a statue following you about.

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My suggestion - and this is really simply a good approach to any RP (and I'm as guilty of not doing this as anyone else) - is to think about this in terms of how you can use this RP to help progress other people's stories. That way you're offering something valuable, instead of asking others to provide something to you, and you'll be far more likely to find takers and to have interesting RP.


For instance: The Lady Olorin's old bodyguard has betrayed her, and works against her. She is now looking for a new bodyguard to both keep her safe, as well as to proactively work against her old bodyguard. You're providing a skilled combatant foil (complete with RP opportunities) for someone, which is the bread and butter for so many fighters who are motivated by duty.


Another example: The Lady Olorin's family has fallen on hard times, and she has gotten into debt from a number of shady folks in Ul'dah (who would be played by PCs). She is looking for a personal assistant who will be in frequent contact with them, staving off their attempts to collect. Ul'dah being the way it is, any shady character worth their salt would want to extract payment in favors (RP hooks!) from the Olorin family, and the Lady Olorin's personal assistant would be a key role in both the negotiations for favors as well as the actual favors themselves.

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