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Call of the Flame


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The tiny flame floated and danced in the breeze. Called into existence it gave light, warmth, and life though little would that be in its small world.


In the eyes of the girl whose hand it floated above now it taunted and laughed at her. It mocked her frustration and burned away her hopes. It was an agent of destruction that scorched her spirit.


"Void take you!" Sana spat as she dispersed the tiny flame to the wind yet again. She sighed and ran nimble fingers through her hair and turned to look out over the small valley and waters nearby in Eastern Thanalan. She had come back to this spot a few times since her mentor, Alexa, had come here to give her the first truelesson she had received in Thamaturgy.


Her mind boiled with a frantic mixture of thoughts from recent days. Her work at the guild was never ending when she was there and what she was gleaming from the books she borrowed to read were illuminating, but she lacked the fundamentals to make use of the knowledge. Her work with Alexa in the shop and private room, whichever it seemed to be at the time, was sporadic as well. To top it all off, she had run into her youngest brother and sister outside of Ul'dah!


In her mind she stomped and raged about, 'How dare her mother think to send Erah'sae to 'keep an eye on her'! If that woman thinks I am going to just return home to start a family....UGH!' Her face twisted to match the sound of disgust chasing away the very concept. 'I wonder if she even realized Nefzen has left as  well, and gone to Limsa Lominsa to consort with pirates no less! That girl is going to get herself killed. Erah'sae maybe first with this silly notion of training as a gladiator. I've got to break through this cursed block before something happens!'


This time the groan of frustration flew off into the night as it escaped from her lips. She turned away from the valley and back towards Ul'dah in the distance. Clearing her mind she closed her eyes, stilled herself, calmed her breathing, and worked to push away errant thoughts to cause her to lose focus. When she was ready she lifted her hand, palm up, and once again whispered the words that brought forth the tiny flame once again. Time and time again she had tried to push her Aether to feed it the life needed to blossom into a force of destruction, but either the flame or her subconscious resisted her continuously.


A cool breeze brushed through her hair and caused a shiver to run down her spine. In the back of her mind she desired the warmth of the fire more to ward off the cold than anything. Even so tiny it looked inviting as she watched it dance in the wind. It was made of her life so why couldn't she be part of it? Her eyes grew heavy as her mind wandered into the flame; dancing and twirling unfettered by cloth or flesh. She wouldn't desire warmth, she would be warmth, and she wanted more. She breathed in deeply and she blossomed higher as her arms stretched upward waving in the never ending dance of her essence. She laughed and the world around her grew brighter illuminating the body she no longer needed.


She had grown, but it wasn't enough! She could be so much more now. She breathed in deeper each time growing hot and brilliant. She swayed and flowed beckoning any to come bask in her presence. She would show the world her magnificence!


Before long though each breath grew shorter no matter how much she worked to take in. She tried to dance higher but her arms seemed to grow heavier. Something was wrong. She was running out of that warmth to draw upon! She needed more! She cast about looking everywhere. Nearby she sensed it. Energy...life...warmth. With a cry of need she lept and grabbed for it with all her might!


Before Sana the tree exploded as the fireball consumed it. Her body was thrown back as her senses returned to her. She tried to rise, but she was suddenly so cold and drained. Her breathing grew shallow and everything seemed far away. Her eyes looked upon the smoking and glowing remains of the tree and a lethargic smile broke across her face.


She started to laugh drunkenly as her heavy head laid upon the ground not realizing she had activated her linkpearl, "I...I did...it..."


Soon after she passed into darkness.

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