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The Jewel [EU]


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The Jewel is a tiny little FC on Balmung. At the moment, we are 5 pepole in total, and not all of us are roleplayers. Were hoping to expand a little on this, by finding the right people to join us and help us become what we dream of becoming. We have a 20+ age limit, as were oldies! (young at heart though ;))




The Jewel was founded by Ineyo Yukimori and Nagisa A'sura after a chance meeting of the two in lavender beds. Ineyo had the idea to start something, Nagisa became the helping hand to make it into a reality. 

After finally finding a house for their dream spa and putting it in order their finally ready to open the doors


What is The Jewel?


The Jewel is a luxury spa in Lavender beds (Ward 3, plot 37). You can book a time for yourself, a loved one or a friend. 


The RP


At this time, we can't really say much about this. Simply there has not been much of it yet, and I although the dream is to have plenty of it, at this time we can make/give no promises. 

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