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Valkyrie Roleplayers (Brynhildr)

Kekela Kela

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Valkyrie Wiki


Greetings from Brynhildr!


It is with great pleasure that I can introduce everyone to the primer RP linkshell on Brynhildr: Valkyrie Roleplayers. Named in honor of the Norse shield-maiden who lends her name to our server, the linkshell was created with the intention of connecting heroes of Eorzea seeking in-character, immersive play. The Linkshell is open membership, and the contact/moderator is Kekela Kela. If you have any interest in roleplaying and have a character on Brynhildr, join us!


The linkshell is not attached to either a free company or grand company, so there's no need to quit or transfer from your current alliance. My goal is to have the LS operate as a RP party-finder for in-character adventuring or crafting outside of your own FC.


The rules are pretty basic:

1. Out of character chat is discouraged on the LS, although some out of character clarifications/communication is allowed if kept to a reasonable minimum.

2. Crass language and humor is permitted, more in character than out. Out of character communication needs to be polite and respectful.

3. If you want to ERP, I don't want to see it on the LS.

4. Follow FFXIV ToS, obviously.

5. Honor system and good judgement prevails.


TO JOIN: Send a /tell to Kekela Kela requesting an invite. I absolutely MUST be online for this to work (I think that's inconvenient, but what can you do). I am online from 8-10pm CST and 6-7:30am CST most days. Just keep trying until you get me. Use the Player Search function during these hours: first name - Kekela. If you want to let me know to look for you, you can PM me on this website, post on this thread, send me an email, or you can also find me on the ffxiv sub-reddit. When you contact me, make sure to mention your character name. I have tried very hard to make myself accessible to you, but FFXIV requires that we basically both be online at the same time which makes it hard, so please be persistent: I will get you in I promise!


NEW! Please visit our new Wiki that serves as a compendium of member's character information to facilitate more informed play.


Thank you, and I hope to see you online!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am interested in joining you in Brynhildr. It's been a pain in the booty trying to get into Gilgamesh or Balmung, so I'm happy that there are alternatives out there in the realms.

OMG, yes! I am so sorry about the delayed response, I keep forgetting to check back here. Will you send an in-game message to me and I will invite you. My character is Kekela Kela.


Wanna tell me a little about yourself? Kela is a Lala Scholar with a high-class background out of horizon. She's trying to pay back a substantial debt quickly, so she'll go on pretty much any adventure if she thinks that it'll help. Her key characteristic is a desire to please everyone, so she's generally friendly, altruistic and likes to problem solve. Her high-class upbringing keeps her from getting too uppity, she's generally refined and rather dainty, although it also means she's naive and rather sheltered.

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I'd also like to say I'm interested! I started yesterday on Bryn, because that's where my RL friends play. Most of them aren't super interested in roleplay so I'd love to join a community of roleplayers if you'll have me.

Ojou Sama,


Yes! Please come join us. There are officially three of us as of yesterday, so now there will be four. What's your character's name? I'll invite you. Also, if you're just getting started with the game, I'd be happy to run some party content with you - in character too! Look me up. I main SCH, a healer, but I'm trying to level my tanking classes right now as well, so that might be fun.

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I'd also like to say I'm interested! I started yesterday on Bryn, because that's where my RL friends play. Most of them aren't super interested in roleplay so I'd love to join a community of roleplayers if you'll have me.

Ojou Sama,


Yes! Please come join us. There are officially three of us as of yesterday, so now there will be four. What's your character's name? I'll invite you. Also, if you're just getting started with the game, I'd be happy to run some party content with you - in character too! Look me up. I main SCH, a healer, but I'm trying to level my tanking classes right now as well, so that might be fun.


Thank you! The character I'm focusing on rn is name Eugenie Montnoire. (badd final fantasy french usage af) I'm working towards Monk so healing would be appreciated! 


As a warning, the character I have in mind for Eugenie is...unkind. I will try to make my OOC interactions with you all as pleasant as my IC interactions are not.:moogle:

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I'd also like to say I'm interested! I started yesterday on Bryn, because that's where my RL friends play. Most of them aren't super interested in roleplay so I'd love to join a community of roleplayers if you'll have me.

Ojou Sama,


Yes! Please come join us. There are officially three of us as of yesterday, so now there will be four. What's your character's name? I'll invite you. Also, if you're just getting started with the game, I'd be happy to run some party content with you - in character too! Look me up. I main SCH, a healer, but I'm trying to level my tanking classes right now as well, so that might be fun.


Thank you! The character I'm focusing on rn is name Eugenie Montnoire. (badd final fantasy french usage af) I'm working towards Monk so healing would be appreciated! 


As a warning, the character I have in mind for Eugenie is...unkind. I will try to make my OOC interactions with you all as pleasant as my IC interactions are not.:moogle:


Awesome. I will send you an invite.


I LOVE Eugenie as a character. The shaved head + face paint make her look really intense, and what she's wearing and how it's dyed makes her look like a BAMF even at a low level. Not to mention a 'french' name on an elezen (!! yay), which only makes sense but nobody really follows naming conventions. /sigh


Salty characters are more than welcome. If everyone was friendly and bubbly, it would get boring really quick. Looking forward to meeting her/you! If you want to go ahead and set up a character page on the wiki, feel free. Link is in first post.

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I'm very much interested in joining your linkshell. I just recently started wanting to playing FF14 again, and I wanted to avoid all the drama that is associated with my previous server. I joined Bryn because I saw that community is good, and it doesn't take sheer chance to get on. 


I'll also message you in game if you're on.

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I'm very much interested in joining your linkshell. I just recently started wanting to playing FF14 again, and I wanted to avoid all the drama that is associated with my previous server. I joined Bryn because I saw that community is good, and it doesn't take sheer chance to get on. 


I'll also message you in game if you're on.

By all means, please message me. We definitely need more people.


I am on most nights from 8-10 or 11pm CST, with the exception of Friday. Friday is spotty for me ((because that's D&D night, haha)), so if you're on at that time, send me a tell or a PM or something.


What is your character's name? I'll search you.


As a side note, I think the search function only works if you're online when the search is done, so everyone joining should try to make an effort to be online during the 8-11 CST period once so I can invite you. After that it doesn't matter. Unless someone knows of a better way to do this in which case PLEASE tell me.


Also, feel free to add a page to the wiki if you want. We'd love to hear more about your character.


See you soon!

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I'm very much interested in joining your linkshell. I just recently started wanting to playing FF14 again, and I wanted to avoid all the drama that is associated with my previous server. I joined Bryn because I saw that community is good, and it doesn't take sheer chance to get on. 


I'll also message you in game if you're on.

By all means, please message me. We definitely need more people.


I am on most nights from 8-10 or 11pm CST, with the exception of Friday. Friday is spotty for me ((because that's D&D night, haha)), so if you're on at that time, send me a tell or a PM or something.


What is your character's name? I'll search you.


As a side note, I think the search function only works if you're online when the search is done, so everyone joining should try to make an effort to be online during the 8-11 CST period once so I can invite you. After that it doesn't matter. Unless someone knows of a better way to do this in which case PLEASE tell me.


Also, feel free to add a page to the wiki if you want. We'd love to hear more about your character.


See you soon!

My character's name is Caelynn Miraudont, and I sure will! I just need a good community to run with. My TRPG nights are Monday and Thursday. :D I'll add my character's stuff once I get a handle of how I want her to feel, lol. I made her this morning and I've been going back and forth between this and Xenoblade Chronicles X today.

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I'm very much interested in joining your linkshell. I just recently started wanting to playing FF14 again, and I wanted to avoid all the drama that is associated with my previous server. I joined Bryn because I saw that community is good, and it doesn't take sheer chance to get on. 


I'll also message you in game if you're on.

By all means, please message me. We definitely need more people.


I am on most nights from 8-10 or 11pm CST, with the exception of Friday. Friday is spotty for me ((because that's D&D night, haha)), so if you're on at that time, send me a tell or a PM or something.


What is your character's name? I'll search you.


As a side note, I think the search function only works if you're online when the search is done, so everyone joining should try to make an effort to be online during the 8-11 CST period once so I can invite you. After that it doesn't matter. Unless someone knows of a better way to do this in which case PLEASE tell me.


Also, feel free to add a page to the wiki if you want. We'd love to hear more about your character.


See you soon!

My character's name is Caelynn Miraudont, and I sure will! I just need a good community to run with. My TRPG nights are Monday and Thursday. :D I'll add my character's stuff once I get a handle of how I want her to feel, lol. I made her this morning and I've been going back and forth between this and Xenoblade Chronicles X today.

Alright, I'll search for your character at around 8pm CST every night until I catch you. See you soon!

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Alright, I'll search for your character at around 8pm CST every night until I catch you. See you soon!

Sounds good! I should be on tonight around that time. I may have been afk when you searched for me last night.

Hey, it was so much fun roleplaying through Sastasha with you and Miles. Call me for Tam Tara and Copperhell, huh?


ETA: Don't be afraid to make a page on the wiki. I know you said you were working on Caelynn's character, but that might be a good place to write your ideas/make changes. Whatever you're comfortable with.

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Hi there, been trying to keep an eye out for you but I guess my luck has been bad.  I'm interested in talking with you about the linkshell and so forth.  I've got a pretty open schedule for the most part so whenever you're available will be fine, thanks.  Look for Niji Tabito.  :D

Well, I guess you found me! Sorry I didn't see this right away, I really only remember to check through the week as my weekends can get pretty hectic.


Glad to have you along and I'm super glad you found us. It was nice talking with you and I'm confident we can find some shinies for you to pilfer very soon. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

I have been looking for an Active In-Character Roleplay links hell in this game forever. I'd like to personally my character, build player friendships and loyalties as if I am living in Hydaelyn myself. Please add me if you can. I will either try to contact you during your gaming hours or try to befriend you. It would be an honor to join you all in your adventures throughout eorzea. Please be on the lookout for me.


Istas Ilgrid - Brunhilde server; BLM main, Primary Class Focus: DPS.

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