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Looking for others who would like to start a new RP character with me

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Hello all!


So I am new and just joined ffxiv. I have RP before, but just bought the game (installing the expansion right now actually)


ANYWAY I having trouble finding others who would like to create a new RP character with me in a NA server other then Balmung or Galigmesh. I will probably transfer them in the future, however I would like to create characters worth moving over first if I ever do.


I am asking if anyone else would like to join me? If so, please post on here or PM me. I will also being posting the details on the character I would like to create for this.


Thanks all! :)

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If what you seek is someone who wants to group with you to do quests, don't bother - many quests are just dialogue and cutscenes, or consist of solo-only content (you will need to disband the group in order to proceed, each time). The rest of the quests that aren't one of those things usually involve killing a small number of enemies which are easy to defeat when playing solo. The game is not created to be friendly for a group leveling concept. I've tried it.


If what you seek is just some people to RP with on a less-populated server, I've heard (but can't confirm) that there's an RP community on Siren. There are also pockets of RP on several other servers, if you search the forum here you may find some leads.


If what you seek is someone to RP with you in a dedicated pairing, such as a relationship RP, you will find that most players aren't willing to spontaneously commit to something like that with a stranger. My advice would be to seek out general RP first and allow an RP relationship to happen on its own merits, and not because it was predetermined.

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I was looking to RP but sorta level together, yes. And no, ffxiv has so far not been great for storylines with others, but I have done a little so far and it hasn't been that bad. Just like you said, you have to disband the group during cutscenes.


And thanks, I have been trying to check out Siren. I havn't found anyone yet though. Hopefully soon.

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