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Looking for connections for a dull kitty!

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Hi there, i'm here to look for some new connections for a character of mine over the coming year.


I'm not the best at these kinds of things, so i'm going to jump right to the point here in hopes that i can get across what exactly it is i am looking for.


So, here goes! 


- The Character:



Kiri "Emerald" Kaltoa is a Sharlayan born Miqo'te, who lacks knowledge about her homeland due to an amnesia incident. (My attempt to not make Sharlayan a prevalent thing in her story, as we don't really know to much about it). Her last memory is of someone she vaguely remembers, telling her to flee from danger. After doing so, she set about making her way in the world as a seeker. (Basically, she's an inquisitor, think sort of like Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition) She takes on hired jobs, though generally keeps to herself, preferring to avoid people wherever possible, she has trained herself to be emotionally detached and disciplined. In short, she's not a fun kitty! She has also been known to engage in other forms of hired work, such as a huntress, or a guardswoman (Caravan guard, personal guard, i think you get the idea).



- What i am looking for: Well, this is where you, the reader come in. What i'm looking for can be broken down into three separate things, which are as follows:



1. Business partners and opportunities. So, perhaps your character is going on an important journey and needs a guard, someone to stay up at night and watch camp for them, help them feel safe. Emerald is capable of that, she can survive without sleep for a while. (That's just one example, if you can think of others, please come to me with them!)

2. A group to hang out with. So, i like the idea of a group of hunters or friends hanging out in a home, Em being there and observing. (Like, a guild hall where the people come together and chat after a hunt or something, where Em can then move to the corner to read and observe) That's the kind of person she is, so i'm looking for a group of people whom she can work with, then hang around with, but not be overly and explosively social with. (This would include guilds, but i am kinda bad in guilds [though i am still open to discussing it!]) (I think this idea appeals to me the most, though i'm not sure how many friend groups would want a dull kitty standing in the corner)

3. Friends, people to pester her and plots. So, Em could always use more friends, just that the friendship would be one of a semi-one sided nature. She isn't explosively social, but she could still use people to hang around with (Though, again, she does not hang out in taverns to much). Maybe a person to brood in a corner with? A hunting partner? (Or, anything else that comes to your mind would probably work). She could also use people to pester her, have an energetic kitty? Well, Em can be a sponge for said energy as the energetic kitty expends herself trying to get a reaction. The final thing under this catagory is plots, any of which Em is probably suited for. She wanders a lot, so i'll leave idea making up to you, reader.


I think that's about it for now, i don't have the expansion, so i guess that does limit RP a bit. My timezone is AEDT, so i'm on Australian timezones.


I know it's a dull character and a dull couple of ideas, but i hope i can at least get some interest.


Thanks for taking the time to read, i hope you (The reader) have a wonderful day/night!

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