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[Balmung] Seeker Miqo'te LF Pirate/Thieves Guild type RP FC/LS!

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So I'll just get right down to it, I'm looking for a group to do pirate/thief related things with, though I'm leaning more towards pirates as I adore the thought of RP on a boat, the open ocean, visiting islands etc (With maybe some Diadem RP as it develops!) However, I would definitely be interested in Thieves Guild-esque RP as well, something with darker themes maybe?


Let me know if you're interested, or if you have any advice on who I should be reaching out to. Thanks all!

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I don't know about the open sea... but the Dread Wyrms are all about exploring those open skies. ;) We're a skypirate FC that hosts weekly RP events that involve airship battles, treasure hunting and 'lessons' on being a pirate. The Dread Wyrms are a humorous, crazy bunch that aren't for the faint hearted or the squeamish, really. If you'd like to find out more click here or here


If that doesn't suit your fancy, there are plenty of other of pirate/thieves guild-esque FCs I've had the pleasure of RPing with so I'm sure you'll find something soon! Good luck in your search. :D

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Sorry for the late-ish reply, but I looked at your site and the FC actually looks really cool. I might be looking for some more ill-intentioned alignment though. Even if that isn't the overall theme of the FC, will I find that there?


The airship content also looks super neat, but I don't think I'll be max level for another month or so at least...

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Sorry for the late-ish reply, but I looked at your site and the FC actually looks really cool. I might be looking for some more ill-intentioned alignment though. Even if that isn't the overall theme of the FC, will I find that there?


The airship content also looks super neat, but I don't think I'll be max level for another month or so at least...

Oh, we have plenty of neutral and evil-aligned characters and more darker themes ongoing, and we'll definitely slowly work them into our free company plotlines when its appropriate. At least in terms of finding personal darker themed RP amongst our crew, you will probably find something interesting with us! We're not exactly for the faint hearted, let's put it that way.


And we actually don't use the in-game airship content for RP (we have plans to, just not yet!), and we make sure to have at least one event a week hosted in an low to mid level area for those still levelling or new to the game. If you have anymore questions, please free to PM me. :D

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