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In Pursuit of Dhalmels!

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Disclaimer: I thought the title would be funny! :P


  As of lately I do not know why but ever since an RP in The Quicksand my lovely little Miqo'te nerd: Leon has become attracted towards Elezen males. However long I loiter in Ul'dah though I find they're increasingly rare to come by! Leon is my Sharlayan Archmage who finds all things magickal and mystical absolutely fascinating, if any Elezen want to nerd out with him and have Mage discussions be my guest! He can often be seen in Ul'dah, the Dravanian Hinterlands or Mor Dhona.

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I have two giraffes that live in/near Ul'dah.


Jeantremont is an old alchemist who has practiced alchemy in Ul'dah for nearly 60 years. He lives in the city with his badass bounty-hunter wife.


Valentinoix is a younger dusky who competes in the Bloodsands but generally putters about the city on a frequent basis even though he lives outside it.


I'm always up for making new connections! I'm on in the evenings, PST time.

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"I have two giraffes that live in/near Ul'dah.


Jeantremont is an old alchemist who has practiced alchemy in Ul'dah for nearly 60 years. He lives in the city with his badass bounty-hunter wife.


Valentinoix is a younger dusky who competes in the Bloodsands but generally putters about the city on a frequent basis even though he lives outside it."


- Thank you! I wrote this threat a bit hastily before I went to sleep but I'm glad someone responded to it. I'll check it out, is there a specific PST time-range you're on?


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My male Duskwight, Michaux, lives in the Shroud, but his new FC is Ul'dah-based, so he's been spending more time in that area recently. He's not a mage, but he is a historian (or 'lorekeeper,' as he calls himself) and might enjoy comparing notes with Leon. Let me know if you want to set up a time to RP.

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