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Ex Sellsword Looking For Connections

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Greetings fellow RPers! Madda here with a long overdue connections post for one of Madda's main characters. Some of you might have met her ICly back a few months ago, but Madda's done a bit of a rework on her backstory and personality in general. She's the character Madda first fell in love with because femroes. 




Here's My Story...




Towering Peach is a 7 ulm tall Hellsguard Roegadyn born to a traveling merchant mother. Her father was a sellsword like so many Hellsguard before them. Young Towering looked up to him as a hero, daydreaming about becoming a great mercenary like himself. She admired his strength, tenacity and good mannered self, always wanting to go over the job first before meeting with the contact, then more research with anyone who was associated with his potential customer. While mainly staying with her mother, the young roe still found time to train and grow strong. By teenhood, the youth then began to accompany her father with his duties, learning the ropes of the merc business. 


When she was an adult, her image of her father was shattered after he was taken hostage and exposed for his deeds, having several unpaid debts and warrants under his name. Towering fell into a slump, but soon recovered, dedicating herself to ensuring that one person in her family could be revered. She continued out her days, turning down any job that sounded too shady or risky for herself. It started out difficult, her home with the many homeless and scum surrounding the outskirts of Ul'dah, but after many successful jobs, the sellsword's name was recommended if you needed something done clean. 


As of recent, she has retired from her mercenary job after a discovering a simple caravan escort job turned out to be a human trafficking wagon that was successful thanks to her. She attempted to track down and free the imprisoned victims she helped make the trip, but only managed to save one, an Au Ra refuge child named "Ushiyo" that she has taken as her own. She currently spends her days training in different weapon styles, enjoying her time off with her daughter.




You May Have Heard of Me...


xx► If you're an Ul'dah regular. Towering stays primarily in the desert city, enjoying the fights of the Gladiator's Guild and the Sultansworn's protection. She can be seen roaming about with Ushiyo, doing various tasks and lounging about while enjoying a peaceful retirement. 


  ► If you regularly hire sellswords for various things. She easily could have run into you previously, but forgotten about you if you were not up to anything. If you were bad, however...


I'm Searching For...


  Potential Students - Always on the lookout for people that wish to learn the art of fighting. In times like these, not learning how to fight is dooming yourself if trouble comes your way.


  ► A certain lovely barmaid that is quite beautiful. I have all her pin ups and- oh...


  Sultansworn Contacts - Always good to have some in case something comes up. Maybe they could use some fresh blood?


  Friends for Ushiyo - Every kid's gotta have some friends to play with. She keeps talking about hearing whispers from somewhere...


Other OOC Stuff


  ► Madda lives in the ETC timezone (UTC -5:00). Usually on during the evenings weekdays and weekends around 8:00 p.m.


  ► Semi lit RPer. Experienced in writing and always willing to help out if needed, always accepting lore help and corrections / tips on roleplaying!

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I have a dusky gladiator who could use some fun connections! Valentinoix goes by the name of the Blind Valentine when he competes in the Bloodsands and is probably the only duskwight competitor in the sands. He fights blindfolded (thus the name) and fiercely, though outside the ring, he's relatively mellow and friendly.


He has a tendency to come with other gladiator friends too.

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