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Seeking friends, enemies, and everything in-between!

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Hello, all! After finally having gotten off my lazy bum and transferring to Balmung, I'm ready to get some connections for my little girl(otherwise, that'd be 18$ wasted) and started RPing! The first thing to note is that I am available any time after 12PM on Mondays Wednesdays, and Fridays. My timezone is CST, so keep that in mind! Next up...a little about how I RP, I guess, or what I'm looking for as a new RPer.


All forms of RP are fine by me, from light-hearted to mature and dark. I am not an RPer that rejects any style, as I am a writer first and foremost. I generally write in character while in-game as well, unless I have something specific to ask, such as questions about mechanics or "where can I find...?" That being said, I'm a new RPer, so I may have some faults here and there. Pleeease, don't hate me for that!


Onto the character that I want to form connections...


Izayoi Ashikaga, Dark Knight fledgling and all-around goodie-two shoes. Physically, she looks like any other Xaela(her name being the result of a young adoption), black horns and all. Her defining characteristics would have to be her heterochromatic eyes(blue and purple, respectively) and white hair. 


Emotionally, she's a bit of a wild-card, and veers between extremes of unnatural calm, cold fury, and uncontrollable excitement. Most people assume she's always calm, or exceedingly sarcastic, because of her flat-tone and matter-of-factly way of speaking(specifically telling people "I'm happy" when she's happy with an almost perfect monotone), and to hear her say it, she agrees despite her mood changing on the spot in most scenarios. The result of her rapidly changing mood comes from her foray into the path of a Dark Knight, leading her to put her emotions first in all things. Because of this, she's foolhardy, idealistic, and a little selfish because of her inexperience in the world, but...well, her heart is in the right place! Last on the docket is the type of connections she's looking for!




Friends: Izayoi has relatively few contacts outside of Ul'dah because she doesn't like the prospect of travel. That being said, when she does travel she doesn't talk much to strangers. I'd like to imagine she has, maybe not a close-knit group of friends, but people she could talk to at the very least. Maybe they admire her sense of justice or the child-like innocence of her ideals? Or maybe they needed friends of their own and she just happened to be there!


Enemies: This is something I see Izayoi having a lot of. For all of her innocence, she considers herself an enemy of evil everywhere. Of course, evil being as subjective as it is means that even a petty thief may have met the pointy end of her sword at one point because of her lack of knowledge on what "heroism" really is. Izayoi is a fan of straight-talk, and has probably made enemies of people with simple words beyond just her deeds. Be they miffed at her bluntness, or outraged at her threats of violence, enemies of all kinds to test the little hero are all welcome! Perhaps she may even find a nemesis to prove herself a hero!


Mentor: Izayoi was taken in by Raen parents early on in her life, but they died during the formative years of her youth, which remains the reason for her immature way of thinking about the world, even to this day. What she needs is somebody she can look up to, who she may or may not consider a new "parent" of sorts. If anybody's willing to take the youngling under their wing, I would not object to it, so long as it didn't conflict with her idealistic "hero of heroes" thought process.


Love Interest: This one's a tricky one. While it will take some time for her to actually develop love for somebody because that's the way love goes, I'd like to know where her options lie, or rather, I'd like people to know what she offers. She puts all of her emotions into everything she does, as stated before, and while she would be guarded in her response to whoever she developed a romantic interest in, she would fall hard because she can't keep her emotions from spilling over. If people are interested in her in the future, I'd enjoy seeing where it goes. Just keep in mind what kind of person she is!


Everything in-between: And lastly, any and all other suggestions for connections will be considered! I'm a sucker for seeing my characters develop relationships, so the more ideas, the more people willing to connect with Izayoi, the better! That, and I, personally, am in the market for a new FC and linkshells given that I have left my old ones to transfer to Balmung. Annnd...that's about it! I look forward to seeing you all in-game!

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I'd welcome the chance to have Vivienne and Izayoi cross paths. She might serve as an effective 'foil' to Izayoi's idealistic nature, being the more mature and experienced (read: somewhat jaded) sort, though never to the point where she'd discourage such behavior. Though I hesitate to call Vivienne maternal, she has the potential to fall into a 'big sister'-ish role, as she's used to having students, and has a teacher's patience when it comes to interacting with others. She's a good listener and would fall easily into the role of a confidante, one Izayoi might be able to trust to return the sort of straight-talk that the Xaela exhibits. 


She understands well the benefits and dangers of being guided entirely by emotion, and might be able to offer relevant advice when necessary.


Feel free to drop me a line ingame or via private message if you're interested, and I'd be happy to help us come up with something together~ I'm on Pacific time and can typically be found online at various hours of the evening.

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