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Seeking Points of Contact for RP

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So, I'm reaching out to the FC community for a peculiar request.


My character was sold into slavery last night during a negotiation gone bad. The RP itself was a surprise to me, but I am never one to waste an opportunity for some inter-guild/world RP action and now my FC wants to have a crumb-trail RP event where they search for clues as to whose hands my character has passed into and where she is next.


Slave trafficking often involves people going through several exchanges quickly to create buffered distance between the captured person and any who might be searching for him or her. I want to recreate some of the confusion and expediency of that in this RP.


What I am looking for are Player-Characters who are either somehow involved in slave-trade or who would be willing to say they were "in the wrong place at the wrong time" and saw my character being passed off in some way.


My thought is I could give a typed situation/scenario to said character players in which they observed or were a part of that they can interpret how they wish and then inform on as they desire ICly with members of my FC if/when they cross paths. There are no wrong answers to how to do this!! I just felt that having actual -people- involved would have a cooler feel to it than just NPCing the whole thing.


So! If anyone is interested in playing a part in this, you can PM me here or whisper my character in-game to set up.


Please Provide the Following In Your PM:

Character Name: This can be an alias if you'd rather

Appearance: Just something basic, or you can give a screenshot

In-Game Profession: What your character does for a living: legit, cover or otherwise

Preferred Connection to the RP: Trafficker, Transitional Owner, Casual Observer, Other

Reason you were in Gridania/Ul'dah: Why you were where you were and saw what you saw.


The only requirement I have is that your character will have had to have been in Gridania and/or Ul'dah since 1/27/16 at 7pm pst and going forward until the FC finally catches up to my character's whereabouts.


Thank you very much for reading and I hope to hear from folks, soon! Whether I get one response or several, I'll do my best to make you a part if you want to play along.

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Hi there!


I believe there is actually a small slave-trade plot going on with a character called Ayse (forgive me, I forget her last name!) Who is trying to find her brother to free from them. I am not sure if they would be willing, but perhaps you could work out something with her? Im not at the cpu atm, or I would check the name. But, if you are around later I could try asking her about it if you'd like.

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My character plays as a revolutionary/abolitionist, so it's quite possible she might have heard something or know some clue that could help.


She's fought slavers more than once before in the past, and keeps up on various entities and their smuggling routes. I'll send you a PM if that sounds ok!

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It sounds perfect!!


The RP will likely not kick off officially until Saturday night, so there's still time for people to volunteer to step up and be informants. I think this'd be a neat way to meet some new folks... and there's nothing quite like helping rescue a clan member to make a positive connection!


Please consider being a part of this RP!! =D

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That could be promising!


I just think it'd be a neat concept and a way to make the RP for fun and involving of the RP community at-large. You never know where random encounter RP will go, after all. :D


And PC interactions are always so much more organic and interesting than NPC or planned PC ones.

Exactly! :3


Ayse Esen is who you want to look for, in regarding her plot. I'm unsure if she can be found on the RPC, but if I can get her myself, Ill let her know you're looking for people!

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That could be promising!


I just think it'd be a neat concept and a way to make the RP for fun and involving of the RP community at-large. You never know where random encounter RP will go, after all. :D


And PC interactions are always so much more organic and interesting than NPC or planned PC ones.

Exactly! :3


Ayse Esen is who you want to look for, in regarding her plot. I'm unsure if she can be found on the RPC, but if I can get her myself, Ill let her know you're looking for people!


My sincere thanks for the help! 


In the meantime, I've some GREAT contacts for the Ul'dah area (still happy to have more!!) but would love at least one or two that we could find in Buscarron's Tavern or somesuch on Saturday when the RP happens and who might be willing to say their character was in the South Shroud area ICly between 1/27 and the present. That's the key transition point I need to help my FC move from Gridania into Thanalan/Ul'dah for the RP. If I have to, I can NPC it... but the whole point of this is to help create some open world interactions and make contact with real players.


If anyone would like this role, please let me know!

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My sincere thanks to everyone who wished to be a part of this RP. I was so excited and thrilled and had everything set up and ready to PM, but I'm afraid I cannot go through with this RP tonight. 


I am dealing with a very personal and devastating event in my life, so I feel that in respect for the departed and until I can return to an even emotional keel, I will CANCEL my RP until further notice.


Thank you again to everyone who responded or read this listing.


Remember, life is beautiful.

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My sincere thanks to everyone who wished to be a part of this RP. I was so excited and thrilled and had everything set up and ready to PM, but I'm afraid I cannot go through with this RP tonight. 


I am dealing with a very personal and devastating event in my life, so I feel that in respect for the departed and until I can return to an even emotional keel, I will CANCEL my RP until further notice.


Thank you again to everyone who responded or read this listing.


Remember, life is beautiful.


I am very sorry to hear this Zola. My condolences to you and yours. We'll be here when you return.

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