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Looking for an older Brother.

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I was hoping to find someone to play Xha'to's older brother. His name would have been Xha'a but after being taken to jail/prison etc may have changed his name or forgotten entirely.


Little Backstory:


Xha'to was born in somewhere in the Shroud him and his older brother were forced out of their home by their mom so they could be safe. This lead them to live on the streets of Limsa for a number of years til Xha'a got caught.


Little about Xha'to:


Xha'to is about thirty years old, he enjoys sweets and really terrible jokes. He would have told these jokes to his brother to keep their spirits up. Xha'to is now a doctor working in the Shroud. Xha'to has changed quite a bit since he was a kid, he still has the scar on his forehead but his hair color is changed due to a failed alchemy experiment. Xha'to can be quite lazy to the point where he will often just go fish instead of sitting in his clinic doing paperwork.


Theres a link to his wiki in my signature.


Little about Xha'a:


Not a whole lot to tell could be any keeper really at this point who is older than Xha'to. I realize many don't play older characters but figured Id check.

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Hehe, I've considered the possibility of a younger brother for Kiht'a, however Kiht'a is actually only 18. @_@ he has two adopted brothers, but depending on whether you wanted blood relation, I'm unsure how you'd want to do that if you decided you wanted to play as his blood-related older-brother?


I didn't see any responses, so I figured I would put something out there!


Note: Currently my playtimes will vary as I've recently begun my online spring semester. During the summer months I should be around more. I am typically on a little every day though unless workload gets busier than usual.

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