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Valentione's Day Fortunes!

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((I wasn't sure -where- to put this, so here it goes!))





"Hello Eorzea!"



"Valentione's day is upon us yet again, and given that I am a local of Limsa I've decided to embrace my role as a Valentione's attendee and offer myself up for the fortunes! Normally reserved for couples, and only permitted to be given to a 'pair' I'm amking myself available all through the festivities as an honorary partner. For those wishing to have their fortune told with me, and see what good, or bad! may come from our unoffical paring. I invite you to come to limsa and join up with me for a bit of fun, conversation, and enjoyment.



Hope to hear from you soon!"


     - Lamia Vuinuet, The Wandering Asthetician.

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