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Rosa, the Thieve's Guild


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Thought I'd throw this out there. Rosa is an LS that existed back at launch. A few of the original members decided (with permission of the creator) to rebuild the LS, keeping the theme and lore, and continuing the legacy. Any new recruits will obviously ICly be integrated in ARR, but that doesn't mean we can't get started now!



Basic Info




Website: http://rosa.enjin.com (Temporary site) / Wiki Page

Server: Balmung

RP Type: Medium-Heavy

Leaders: Sienna, Nahu, (Looking for a few more)

Recruitment: Open, application process

RP Element: A guild of treasure hunters and thieves. Tantalus meets Fairy Tail.

Info Thread: Available here.



"Rosa, the great thieve's guil-"


"Actually, I prefer the term Treasure Hunters"


"Right. Rosa, the great Treasure Hunters' guild. People from all over Eorzea have come to be a part of it, seeking wealth, glory, and power. Others have joined for the adventure. What are you here for?"


~ Biggs and Garlden of Rosa.



Rosa is a guild of adventurers (spelled T. H. I. E. V. E. S.) who have come together ((set to the theme of Treasure Hunters and Final Fantasy's invisionment of Thief and Ninja classes)) to become a "Family" over many years. Members of Rosa come from many varied backgrounds, all coming together with the aim of getting rich, finding great treasures, fame, or just the adventure leading up to all of these things. They have a somewhat "Robin Hood" mantra, (normally) robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. They just so happen to fit the poor bracket themselves, as well as some others that they tend to help out anonymously. The Guild was originally formed in year 1553 (OOC founded shortly after launch, but went on hiatus due to inactivity) and has been going strong since.



Timezone: Primary group timezone here.

Shell Restrictions: No restrictions, though due to the theme of the LS at least ICly it should take some form of priority.

Roster Info: Rosa welcomes characters from all walks of life, so long as they're willing to treat all other members as family and have a heart for adventure. (

OOC Sideshell: Does your shell have an official secondary shell for OOC purposes? If not, does it officially endorse any other OOC shell? Or is it 100% independent?

Endgame: We're adventurers and hunt for treasure. Endgame will be very important to help emphesize this, though not everyone will want to take part which is understandable. Raids, Primals, and so on will be held regularly at times relevant to both US and EU players.

Rules Summary: BRIEFLY describe the main rules of the shell. A link to more in depth rules is fine.

Application Process: Fill out the application form on the Enjin site, the current mods will look over it and if you're a fit you're in! You then have two options. A: Your character was a member of Rosa already, and is just replacing the role of nameless NPC #143, or B: You're a new recruit. This will be played out through some leadup RP in which a character who is already a member of Rosa (Be it PC or NPC) has invited you to join because they felt you'd be a good part of the family.






Drop me a message if you have any questions.

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