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Looking for a place to call home.

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Long time lurker, infrequent poster here! So I guess this thread serves somewhat as an introduction as well as a request.


My wife and I have found ourselves company-less and are looking for a new one to join. We've looked through the linkshell hall in an attempt to find something that fit our particular desires and style of RP, but unfortunately have not had any luck.  There are many FCs listed there that claim to be something (such as lore compliant), but after digging around on their sites it turns out they're not quite what they claim to be.


Now, I won't say that my wife and I are infallible. We may truly have missed a company in the linkshell hall that's what we're looking for... And if that's the case, hopefully a representative from that company will reply to this thread to point us to their site/application/what-have-you. It is also our hope that maybe there is a company out there with members that frequent this site, but may not have a listing in the linkshell hall.


Anyway, onto the meat and popotoes. What we're looking for is somewhat specific, but we don't feel it's impossible or unlikely.


-Grimdark/mature/serious/whatever you wish to call it RP.

We want something that is a little more than G rated. We don't want to feel like we're in an episode of Looney Tunes. Slice of life and "happy" RP is fine from time to time, but we're looking for more than just that. Eorzea is a dangerous world and we wish to roleplay with a group that recognizes that... Not one that only throws parties and pub crawls.


-Lore compliant.

We would like to find a group of people that abide by the lore presented to us by Square. We like to shy away from grey areas, not use them to find loopholes to make "special RP" happen. That being said, we understand that sometimes some grey area is necessary in order to make roleplay immersive/possible/fun (after all, the existence of our characters is grey area in itself)... However we don't want that to be the norm. We're looking for a group that follows the lore and doesn't have white Mage-dragoon-warrior-bard-monks (in one character) in their employ.


-Not a company of heroes.

A company of skilled people is fine. Those that are quite talented in their given profession, be it crafting, gathering, or battling is absolutely fine. Those that should be standing shoulder to shoulder with The Warrior of Light...that's not for us. We aren't looking necessarily for a group of people that roleplay NPC#24382, but we also don't want those that fell primals on a daily basis. We're looking for a group of people that have characters that are special because of who they are (personality, history, etc.), not what they are (job, status in society, etc.).


-Preferably an adventuring/mercenary theme, but we can be flexible.

The characters we have in mind would fit best, we feel, into a company of adventurers or mercenaries...general do-gooders. However, we can be flexible in this regard...so long as the company is generally good and not evil.


-Activity during afternoons.

A group who is active during the afternoons would be wonderful. Namely from roughly 4PM CST to 10 PM CST on weekdays. Weekends are just whenever.


-Other parts of the game.

The both of us enjoy the PvE side of things. While this isn't a requirement for the company, I thought I would throw it out. We would love it if the company we join also enjoyed delving into the PvE content of the game. PvP I somewhat enjoy... Her not so much. Again, not a requirement, but it would be nice. :)


Any help in this regard would be appreciated. A reply to this thread...a PM to me...poking me in game...whatever. Thanks! :)



Now, I'm sure that a number of you after reading this likely wish to take potshots at me for being an elitist or some such. As such, I'll be opting in and posting in everyone's favorite thread to allow you all to do just that. 

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If you want a growing FC that is a mercenary type players, check out The Outriders! We're a few weeks old but been rping in a linkshell first before hand. We're super close and always open to more people!


We're a good combination of slice of life with adventuring as well. 


Contact me in game N'aomi Kett or PM me here! We'd love to meet you!

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We're anything but heroes...




We're kinda like generally not so good people trying to do "good things" (usually selfish) in really bad ways...haha.


Our RP has gotten darker and darker lately...hence we had to put a "mature" warning on our LS page...but yeah!

Check us out <3


We do IC dungeons and exploration and all that fun stuff too.

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