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LF Lala Family members!

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Hello my lovely people! I'm here to buy- LOOK for some family members for my little lala Riri! Or better known as Blueberry!


So here's a little context for you. I'm looking for either sisters, brothers or cousins, but they have to follow my characters family theme!


This is a picture of mee





As You can see! She's majority blue, the reason for her nickname blueberry!

I'm looking for some lala's to take on the roles or "Raspberry" and perhaps "Blackberry" Naturally for this role your colour scheme has to be, Red for raspberry and black for blackberry! This only includes hair colour and perhaps eye colour.. and maybe some clothing...


Let me know if theres any Lala (male or Female) whom fits this description! Unite the Berries!

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Already have a Lala and not looking to make another but do you have an idea as to what kind of character they would be as opposed to just color scheme? I thought it might be helpful since they will need to know her personally either already or later. Or maybe anything is fine as long as they're related. Maybe they could figure that out by looking at your character's family background.

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Already have a Lala and not looking to make another but do you have an idea as to what kind of character they would be as opposed to just color scheme? I thought it might be helpful since they will need to know her personally either already or later. Or maybe anything is fine as long as they're related. Maybe they could figure that out by looking at your character's family background.


The only thing they'd need to know is my characters situation! And obviously the fact they grew up together would make them close. Their personalities can be however they want them to be, They would just need to follow the theme etc :)

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