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LF Various Kinds of Contact

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So, I have been roleplaying on Gilgamesh for a around two months or so at this point. However, within the groups I currently know, there are some kinds of roleplay I am lacking that I hope to correct. Given that this forum is frequented by people all over the roleplay community, not just simply people on Gilgamesh or within my group, I figured this might be a good place to try and touch base and maybe see if the problem cannot be fixed. I believe I shall start with a short overview of my character, then go into what I am looking for in hopes of RP connections.




The Character-



Mason is a scholar of the Arcanist's Guild in Limsa Lominsa, as well as a healer in training at the Gravity Clinic. Born in Limsa to a lieutenant of the Maelstrom and a long time member of the Arcanist's Guild, Mason's family is fairly well off. At the moment he is studying healing magic as well as aetheric theory in general. He hopes to be able to make healing magic somewhat more efficient in aether usage. In terms of personality, Mason is a kind and empathetic individual who tends to think of others before himself. He also, however, suffers from severe introversion and something of a lack of self-esteem, as most of his life was sheltered within manors, libraries, and classrooms. He longs to see more of Eorzea, but at the moment is mostly tied to Limsa.




Desired RP Connections-



So this is more of the meat of this post, describing what I hope to find in future roleplay and who I hope to see. Some of it is specific, some of it is more general. I will try to explain the details as best I can.


Scholars/Academics: This is one thing I am in particular looking for. Mason could really use fellow academics to befriend. People with whom he can discuss his theories, work, and even people with whom he could collaborate with. Academic/scientific style RP is something I have always enjoyed and others who might be interested in that I would very much enjoy.


Friends in General: This one is probably the most vague. Anyone who might be amicable would fit this. It's something of a given, but I figured it would not hurt to include it here. Potentially someone who could hang out with him in Limsa. In a way, it would be a great way to get Mason out of my free company's estate and potentially get out in the world more.


Romantic Relationship: I know this one may have a bit of a mixed reaction, but I shall try to explain. I enjoy romantic roleplay quite a bit, and I very much enjoy the interaction and character growth it brings. So, I would like to pursue such a relationship for Mason here. One thing to note, however, is that Mason would only be interested in same-sex relationships. In addition, I would very much like to pair him with a roegadyn, as the contrast in character would make for interesting roleplay. I understand this is a rather specific request, and I understand this would likely be the least likely to fulfill.


Family?: This would be highly optional, but it is an avenue I would like to consider at some point. I figured I would at least throw the idea up here, see if anyone might actually be interested in some point. I am not certain.





With that, I believe that is about it for my requests. There is not much rush on any of this, but I look forward to seeing anyone has any characters to match these categories and maybe provide some roleplay opportunities in the future.

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