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Villainous individual seeking dark centered rp/rp fc/rp ls! (UPDATED CHARACTER CHANGE

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Iskander Farander was once a proud knight of Ishgard. A normal man who sought only the betterment of his country and his kinsmen. But, one faithful night in the snowy wastes did he hear a voice call out to him. The world slowed to a crawl, even the snow seemed to stop falling. And so he approached the calling, a soft voice that of a woman. Drawn to the allure of such a pleasant sound. But what he had found was a forsaken soul, a barely clothed being of celestial white, nearly blending in amongst the snow. Her skin was pure as it, and overall her form was one a being could take for beautiful. But her mouth was sewed shut, unable to speak and seemingly welded together. She was out cold, ironically. But he gently brought her into his arms, and carried her to a nearby cave. Still the world was slow as he ignited a flame from tinder nearby. It would be moments before she awoke, the soft voice once more calling out to him. His gaze set upon her wide eyed. And then all was back to normal.

But the man was changed, a longing to help her speak a new.

His knightly prowess was no longer.


About Ike (Short):

  • Iskander still proves to be quite boring. His words are slow and drawled upon. As if everything he speaks is not for granted.
  • He is quite worldly and might often wax poetically.
  • He is skilled in the blade, and his weapon is usually that of a large gnarled curved sword.
  • Iskander may or may not be an alcoholic.

Iskander can be found:

  • Ul'dah; from the tavern to the markets the desert is his proving ground..
  • Gridania; the tavern or the falls of Apkallu.
  • Limsa; the beach at Costa.
  • The wild; he would be most dangerous to meet here..

Seeking Connections:

While Ike may not be forth coming with his true motives he does have his reasons for striking out and making acquaintances and friends. His interest is always piqued when he meets:

  • Voidals/The people who worship them: Somewhat self-explanatory.


  • Bards/Dancers: Sometimes he is willing to listen to a story or buy a dance, this is a rare venue to be honest though nothing is ever turned away.
  • Familiar faces: Be it chance happenings upon each other or even a remembrance from long ago. Even the light shooting of the breeze is a good bit of passing time for the afternoon. Do you remember the blood stained knight? Have you had a run in with him yourself?
  • Rivals: An adversary in the hunt? Bring on the challenge.


What I am not looking for:

  • Drama
  • Meta gaming to any degree
  • Over powered characters
  • Extreme lore breaking. (Lore bending happens, I lore bend, everyone does. But nothing too crazy. Please no "I'm a garlean ex-spy, military lieutenant, Au Ra experiment.) That being said, Ike bends lore, I am fine with it. But nothing crazy please.

About me:

I'm a medium to heavy rp'er looking for some fun in developing a fluid story line with other people. I'm not seeking drama or anything of the sorts and just want to have fun playing the game in multiple ways. I can be contacted in game or on here and look forward to any messages I may receive.


I am able to be contacted in game on Balmung under Lone Sentry.


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