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Soren Lier

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I. BasicInfo 



  • Characters:SorenLier
  • Primarycharacter:Soren Lier
  • Linkshells:TheBlack Crow
  • Primary RP linkshell:Noneyet


II. RP Style 


  • Amount of RP (light, medium,heavy):
    Medium to Heavy RP.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I’LL FIGHT YOU! :D Personally I adore a fight andnever shirk away from taking a few hits, but Soren, bless her, is a much more peaceably-minded soul than her player. That having been said, if she must fight then I’m happy to arrange the outcome beforehand, happy to leave the decision to the roll of the dice and happy to completely freestyle combat.
  • Views on ICromance:
    Romance is not the focus or goal of my RP, but Iadore seeing happy couples in RP. It’s my opinion that romance can really augment and compliment good RP and add difference facets to characters that you might not otherwise see. Soren is herself madly in love with an elusive boyfriend, and it’s always fun to play out!
  • Views on non-romantic RP(family ties, etc):
    This is where I tend to flourish, possibly becauseI’m not very talented at RPing romance! Camaraderie, blood ties, strong bonds forged by the most adverse of conditions? I’m –all- about that!
  • Views on lore:
    My knowledge on the lore is pretty weak but Icompletely respect that some people are very keen to cleave tightly to it. I’m always happy to learn more about lore and take corrections or constructive criticism from those who know better than me. If there’s anything you think I should know about, get in touch.
  • Views on chat functions(/say, /linkshell, etc):
    When I’m in busy areas I rarely break characterand try to keep OOC conversations to /tell. I haven’t any experiences with RP linkshells so I’m not sure if they’re mainly conducted OOC or IC. ^^” /party or /tell I use for both OOC and IC conversations… I’m pretty lenient other than not using /say for OOC stuff.


III. Other Info 

  • Country: UnitedKingdom (for now!)
  • Timezone:GMT
  • Contact info:Feel free to message me in game, on the forums or on Skype. My Skype is Buchaenabi.





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