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Hello! New to the Boards.


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Hello! I'm Aidan.


I'm new to the boards here. I'm not currently playing FFXIV but I'd really like to as soon as the new release is out. I'm trying to get a feel for the game, I'm very familiar with rping and writing, been doing so for a long time. If anyone would like to point me in the right direction when it comes to choosing classes, races, things about the game I should know etc I'd very much appreciate it! Before I start writing I reckon it's a good idea to character build, afterall. :D


I've been wanting to play FF online since it first came out a while ago but unfortunately I didn't have the means until now. (And hopefully will be able to play now if my computer decides to cooperate.) I'm an on and off MMORPG player but I haven't played much beyond Ragnorok Online (way back when!), WOW and some Aion. I play regular RPGs all the time, the online factor was always a bit foreign to me but I always did enjoy it.


Ah! Introduction! I'm a 23 year old living in Texas, I enjoy writing, cooking, sewing occasionally, playing games, reading and the like. I'm always up for new things, which is why I decided to join the boards. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all! ;)

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Hail Aiden, Lord of Pants. (*snerk* xD)


First of all, welcome to the boards! We're always happy to see new members pop in.


You should be able to get started (at least in the race department) here, though if anyone's got links to more in-depth look at the races I'd welcome them. You might also want to look up some stuff about the city states, and the realms in general as well as the events relating to the Seventh Umbral Era just to catch up.


Once you've got that done, you've got the advantage of being more or less as clued in as the rest of us are. The world is going to be changing drastically for A Realm Reborn and whatever your character was doing in the past before that can be figured out later (probably).


If you have any questions about anything though, don't hesitate to ask. We're usually good about providing feedback.

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Welcome, Aiden! I'm glad you will finally get to try this wonderful world. In the past, the game was not so wonderful, but I've never come across a world like it. If you're a veteran of RP and writing, this will be a joyride for you.


Also, as a past Ragnarok Online player myself, I really miss that game.


Welcome to the boards. I hope you enjoy it.

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