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Looking for Work, Manslaying or Smuggling.

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*a slightly tattered buckskin posting, scribbled in hardly legible wording with some errors can be seen in two locations of less-than-reputable walls of Ul'Dah.*



To whome it may concurn,



A lad looks for some easy, relyeable coin as he iz currently out of bizness. Search for the merry North-man standing at 6-fulm 5-ilm and a half, freequinting tavern and roads of Nald and Thal. 



Proveide legal cleerence of remuvable, captured or killable persons in form of bownties, warrants or execushun sentenses. For smuggling work, relay your company and or affiliashuns.



Much obliged,

Aelfred, Son of Siegmund.

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