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LF Tough Duskwight sister

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Morrick Malkavian has begun searching for his estranged sister, born as Morriene, though she may have changed her entire name. She would be 23-27 (The older the better), likely tall and long eared with gray skin. A tough and dominant personality, Morrick did as she wished when they were young and probably still would. It would be good for them to reunite and help each other build up one another's lives with the constant support of a loving sibling. She fled when their parents died (her age being 12-16) and they haven't seen each other since. Check Morrick's wiki for more about the back story and him if you haven't already known him. Already established characters are fine if the backstory can be changed to accomodate. I know it's a lot to expect of someone but I think it may be worth it.

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