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A Challenger Approaches! Hi!


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I have a knack for widdy titles. No I don't but I do have a knack for puns and bad references.


Soooo, I haven't used forums in a million years in general, but hi there! I'm Zaviire, or Mid if you prefer (that's what most people call me because I can't escape my edgy nicknames from when I was 12), or in-game Percival Rigel. I've been RPing since 2008, but FFXIV is my first MMO, as most of my experience is in a text-based format (and that's still the format I prefer, honestly).


My character's wiki page is over here, if you'd like to read it, and it includes every bit I have on her so far... Honestly, I'm just a little thirsty for any sort of interaction, but seeing as I'm the only person on the universe who's not on Balmung (and have no interest in transferring), I haven't exactly gotten it. I rarely have any ideas for characters and just build plots off of character interactions (and pre-established relationships) in general.


Insofar as RP preferences, I guess I can work it out with my partners at a later date, althoguh I prefer serious stuff as opposed to fluffy stuff and plot/character develipment-driven interactions as opposed to "hi/bye" and interactions that lack any real direction.


But yeah, hi! Hope to... Well, I can't promise much, but I hope I'll be having a Good Time and maybe make some connections.


I wish I could erase my avatar completely...

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