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Greetings. I bring you fish!


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Hello everyone, Ravyne here and I bring you fish. Lots of fish!


I have heard a lot things about this RPC from Siobhain and I felt inclined to join to see all the cool RP stuff going on.


To kick start things off I shall answer the common questions and/or categories about myself.


--MMORPG background


Well, I have a short background list when it comes to MMO's. My very first MMO experience came in the form of Runescape. I played that for about year, subscribing to their cheap member pricing and took up a fisherman role. I joined a fishing guild OOC and spent most of my time fishing for lobsters, swordfish and sharks to make money.


I picked up World of Warcraft next, during the beginning of Burning Crusade. I made some friends, started a guild, and we became a pretty close knit group. We weren't dedicated to anything except having fun. We didn't raid. We weren't on an RP server. We just did whatever, whenever, with whoever. Eventually I wanted more and branched out in to PVE and PvP fairly heavily, which later turned into almost pure PvP. I would like to believe I got fairly good at it too =).


I stopped playing World of Warcraft shortly before Cataclysm was released and joined a Pre-launch guild called Jen'jidai, for SWTOR. Jen'jidai is a guild in the Legend Gaming community and it started 2-3 years before the game came out so I got very familiar with forum activity. During the Beta for SWTOR, I became the PvP officer for Jen'jidai and held that spot until I left SWTOR in September of 2012.


I cam currently the co-guild leader for a Pre-launch guild, called Acheron, in the Legend Gaming community for the future World of Darkness MMO, which is very RP oriented.


That is pretty much my MMO experience in a nutshell.


--RP experience


This is where I lack a lot of experience. My first RP experience EVER, came when I joined Jen'jidai for SWTOR, in 2009. I got introduced to Forum RP there and very much enjoyed it. I had never done it, or any type of RP, before. Forum RP there turned in to In-game RP when SWTOR was released. That was a completely new experience and and interesting one.

In early 2012 I played my first Table top RP game in Abberant, for a full story, then we moved to Vampire: Dark Ages.



--Character ideas/info


Well, here we go...


I expect to be playing a Male Hyur, Midlander, by the name of Ravyne Helbarde(Ru-veen Hell-bard). Though he commonly goes by Brand, due to a tatoo he has 'branded' on his face. He prefers this name since it is more masculine over the pronunciation of his own him. His background will see him hailing from Ishgard, as a former Lancer/Dragoon. Prior to to events of Bahamut's escape from Dalamund, he and a friend left to help out the other alliances, feeling that Ishgard should be worrying more about the Garlean Empire, and less about the Dragons.


He takes up residence in Limsa Lominsa and joins the Maelstrom. He also takes up fishing at this time, as a hobby. While he is not present during that battle underneath Dalamund against the Garlean Empire, his friend was. He learns that his friend was killed during that battle and that traumatic feeling shapes him in to who he is in present time.


He will be somewhat of a recluse, making a living as a fisherman.(AYE SIR!!!!) While he is generally kindhearted and easy to get a long with, he has a distaste for fighting. He does not advocate it and somewhat looks down on those who enjoy it, due to the death of his friend. I am still fleshing out a lot of his general nature and demeanor.



--How did you learn about the coalition?


Through Siobhain. She talked a lot about it as she was setting up her own character.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


I think that I am going to start as a light-medium RPer, then transition to Medium. Depending on how that goes, it could even progress to heavy. Being so fresh to the RP scene, I don't want to jump in the pool with out my floaties on.


--Anything from real life youâre comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


I am 25, a 'graphic designer' if you want to call me that. I do freelance web work, and I am the webmaster for Legend Gaming.(legend-gaming.net). My specialty really lies in motion graphics though. I like to make guild videos and what not. I like to fish too, as you can tell.



As I mentioned, I am fairly new to the RP scene, so I hope you can cut me some slack. I do want to get better and take some time to really get involved in RP so I am open to ideas, feedback, and suggestions.

Thank you in advance for taking to the time to read this. I appreciate it for those who did. No fish for those who didn't!

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Well, won me over with the fish. :) And I like your character concept!


I'm glad that you've joined! Don't be worried, I'm sure everyone here is more than happy to have people "new" to RP about~

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Welcome to the forums, Ravyne! Sounds like your character would get along well with my main character. He doesn't like fighting either. xD


There are plenty of people here who would be happy to help if you have any questions, myself included.


Thank's a bunch =). I appreciate it.

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His background will see him hailing from Ishgard, as a former Lancer/Dragoon. Prior to to events of Bahamut's escape from Dalamund, he and a friend left to help out the other alliances, feeling that Ishgard should be worrying more about the Garlean Empire, and less about the Dragons.


He takes up residence in Limsa Lominsa and joins the Maelstrom. He also takes up fishing at this time, as a hobby. While he is not present during that battle underneath Dalamund against the Garlean Empire, his friend was. He learns that his friend was killed during that battle and that traumatic feeling shapes him in to who he is in present time.


Feral Ren is from Ishgard herself, and is an officer in the Maelstrom. This would make Brand a subordinate - though if you bribe her with juicy drake steaks, maybe she'll go easy on you... :3

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His background will see him hailing from Ishgard, as a former Lancer/Dragoon. Prior to to events of Bahamut's escape from Dalamund, he and a friend left to help out the other alliances, feeling that Ishgard should be worrying more about the Garlean Empire, and less about the Dragons.


He takes up residence in Limsa Lominsa and joins the Maelstrom. He also takes up fishing at this time, as a hobby. While he is not present during that battle underneath Dalamund against the Garlean Empire, his friend was. He learns that his friend was killed during that battle and that traumatic feeling shapes him in to who he is in present time.


Feral Ren is from Ishgard herself, and is an officer in the Maelstrom. This would make Brand a subordinate - though if you bribe her with juicy drake steaks, maybe she'll go easy on you... :3


ahhh nuuuuuuuu. lol. Well, being a cook, a must have in order to make delicious fish meals, I am sure I could make some drake steaks =).

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