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Roleplay for All! Twitch Livestream you can join!

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Hey everyone! Tonight around 9 PDT we are going to be continuing our story in Eorzea! Had a great turnout last night, hoping to see more of you tonight! Remember if you'd like to join us come find us with some sort of hook! Looking forward to some more fun RP, here's a link to the channel.



We are on Jenova, so basically anyone can come find us seeing as the server will be open :)

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I sort of laughed when I checked the stream for giggles, and exactly as I opened it, someone whispered them to inform them not to use /e but /emote for custom emotes, and that person got blacklisted instantly.


Well. Guess Jenova ain't that welcoming, and Balmung still reigns supreme. Quality wise and in terms of friendliness lol.

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