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So who has character tumblrs?

Nako Vesh

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I've already made a few little posts on the tumblr I use for general writing and such... Though I am pretty sure imma make a seperate one for him soon enough xD I'll link it here when it's finished :3


EDIT: Do have to say though, keeping a character journal has always helped develop a character further along. Having some entries just be current thoughts in their head or perhaps them laying their head down to think about a day or weeks events is great.

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  • 3 months later...

I have one prepared, but I am not yet prepared.

I've got so much to do before I start posting on it. x_x

(Like learning how to neatly write in the Eorzean alphabet...)

(I can't even do that in the phonetic one..)

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I have one prepared, but I am not yet prepared.

I've got so much to do before I start posting on it. x_x

(Like learning how to neatly write in the Eorzean alphabet...)

(I can't even do that in the phonetic one..)

Which phonetic alphabet?


I just have a general tumblr. And I don't really update it that frequently. So ill probably just stick stuff up on there.



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I have one prepared, but I am not yet prepared.

I've got so much to do before I start posting on it. x_x

(Like learning how to neatly write in the Eorzean alphabet...)

(I can't even do that in the phonetic one..)

Which phonetic alphabet?


I just have a general tumblr. And I don't really update it that frequently. So ill probably just stick stuff up on there.



Like.. a b c d...

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If you're using it as a gallery blog, it shouldn't be too hard to get the controls down. The dashboard is fairly self explanatory once you see it. Just click the appropriate media you're uploading and voila! Don't forget to tag (or not) your pictures appropriately.


Mostly Gallery yea, especially to start. I'm not very talented a writer. One reason so many of my character bios end up unfinished or shared ;/

Did I see correctly that we'll b able to tag or mark each thing as private? I dont really want mt Tumblr to turn into some weird spam fest as i made one specifically for my FFXIV character and travels lol

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I have bantered with the idea of having an IC/OOC journal back in EverQuest.


In essence, I'd make an IC post of what I did in the game that day, with pictures and the like, and then below that make an OOC posting of my feelings of how things went etc.


I'd be willing to do so here once I get used to it more and it goes live.

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I have one prepared, but I am not yet prepared.

I've got so much to do before I start posting on it. x_x

(Like learning how to neatly write in the Eorzean alphabet...)

(I can't even do that in the phonetic one..)

Which phonetic alphabet?


I just have a general tumblr. And I don't really update it that frequently. So ill probably just stick stuff up on there.



Like.. a b c d...

technically not phonetic, otherwise we have some un-needed characters in there. and theres more than the latin one, the Japanese Kanji is phonetic for instance. (At least according to some Japanese people I knew, they could of course have been lying xD )

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Since I'm sort of banking on the idea of FF XIV being the MMO that really gets me back into RP, plus having recently discovered what a tumblr is, I'm on-board with making one for my main. Mostly just for a screenshot gallery. But if my rusty writing gears start cranking again, I might keep an IC journal for him, too. Not that my main is the type to keep a journal. But that doesn't mean I can't keep one for him. =)


The problem I have with any sort of journal is I get half-way through a post, wonder if it's even worth saying, and then just scrap the entire thing. So we'll see how it goes. I used to keep this kind of stuff collected in whatever RP guild I had joined, but I like the idea of having a personal link that I can maintain myself, and can be ported around if/when I move somewhere else (guild-wise).

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I amassed a small tiny collection of open beta screenshots of my new adventures. I'm not sure if i'll use them for my characters Tumblr gallery just yet. I will look them over and decide. I may take fresh ones to add to the collection during early access/launch to begin my visual journal so to speak. At least if i can come up with satisfying captions lol.


I took a few shots that impressed a friend who wanted to see some visuals of the game heh. bonus.

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