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Long-time Player, First-time RPer.

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Heyo, folks. 


I've played on Brynhildr for a while, and I recently made a character on Balmung. I know the game pretty well, just trying to get into the RP scene.


My biggest question is on server RP etiquette. A lot of the time when I enter a bar or the like, people already seem to be engaged in conversations. I kind of get the feeling that it would be rude to walk up and insert myself into their conversation, but I'm not really sure how else to get my start.


Any tips on this? Any advice at all would be appreciated.

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Heyo, folks. 


I've played on Brynhildr for a while, and I recently made a character on Balmung. I know the game pretty well, just trying to get into the RP scene.


My biggest question is on server RP etiquette. A lot of the time when I enter a bar or the like, people already seem to be engaged in conversations. I kind of get the feeling that it would be rude to walk up and insert myself into their conversation, but I'm not really sure how else to get my start.


Any tips on this? Any advice at all would be appreciated.


Welcome to Balmung!

Assuming you are referring to the Quicksand, most people are just in there watching but are very willing to RP if you start a conversation. I'm very new to it myself so if I catch someone glance my way I will usually do an emote and sometimes something initiates, sometimes not. 


It's not much but it's all I got. I'm always interested in meeting people as well so feel free to look me up. PM or in-game.


Take care!

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The rule of thumb I tend to go by is that if someone is rping in a public location, then their RP is usually approachable. The worst thing that can happen is that people will tell your character to mind their own business. If you want to be on the complete safe side, you can always ask in a /tell first if it's ok. 


Welcome aboard and good luck out there! :)

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