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Medium looking for new RP friends!

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Hullo! My hubby and I have recently come back to the game after a much-needed break to breathe and do some soul searching for character ideas. We're back now, and I've been a bit shy about getting into the RP scene on my new character, so I'm hoping to... well, make some connections xD


Nymlyn Meridah:


Nymlyn is a 16 year old Au Ra. She's a medium, and a bit of a fortune-teller, using cards and tea leaves. She left her tribe at a young age, and her mother remarried a wealthy Ishgardian merchant, so despite being an Au Ra, she acts much more 'civilized' than her heritage. She's currently working with her beau Arkus to form a company that specializes in exploration and artifact recovery/research.



I'm still working on the wiki profile for her, getting it all fleshed out and what-not. So, if anyone would like a new RP buddy, or even could use a medium or a fortune teller for a storyline or something (I'm happy to either do something random for you, or to make sure things go the way you need them to for story purposes), please consider Nymlyn :)


I'm excited to meet you all!

(btw, I probably won't be in-game much tonight, due to some previous plans, but I'll be around a lot tomorrow evening. I'm only writing this now because I'm bored at work and really wishing I could be home enjoying some crafting or some RP. Feel free to message me here!)

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