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New to FFXIV!


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I've been playing FFXIV for about three months now, and I'm finally ready to take the plunge into the roleplay community! I've been a roleplayer for nearly ten years now, RPing in a variety of mediums such as MMOs (Guild Wars 2 and WoW, primarily) as well as forums and chat rooms. I'm eager to see what the FFXIV community has to offer, and excited to RP with new friends!

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Welcome!  Everyone has been super friendly since I've started chatting with the roleplay community here, so I think you're in for a treat.  


Enjoy and I hope to see you in game!


Thank you! I hope to see you as well!


Welcome <3 Always great to see another RPer in the decade+ range! Helps make me feel less old ;)


Thank you, but don't get your hopes too far up. I'm only 21, I've just been RPing since I was 11 ;)

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