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Putting in a new character

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Ok, so I'm toying around with a very odd idea presented to me yesterday to try out ICly!


A statistician!


To that end, here's what I'm looking at for a very quick overview. I like to call it... Business Cat.


Name: W'chaza Yheli (OOCly, the name's Leggerless Hanzou, because it's my universal handle for eSports/theorycrafting items across all games. I like consistency.)


IC Age: 20


Race/Clan: Seeker of the Sun - Female Miqo'te


Short Background: Raised by a former Maelstrom Captain in the way of sword, pen, and books, she has the connections to ascend quickly through the ranks up to Storm Sergeant Third Class. While much of her instructor training is related to the sword, her recent interests found her practicing arcanima, math, theory, and other scientific items. She never really did enjoy combat, but knew its value in self-defense. Her position and comfort operating in the Maelstrom Command building--while still at the bottom of the rung and often caught up with the brunt of paperwork--led to being just a tad bit off on the social side.


Appearance: Brown hair with white highlights, silver eyes, and usually seen with a sword on her back and a book. Appearance consists of very light clothing up to leather; never anything above in weight. There are also times she'll don the Maelstrom soldier uniform as well as the OIC uniform with the company tabard.


Where can you find the stray?: Anywhere, really. She's like a penguin; able to survive harsh climates and a decent swimmer. Most likely bet is within Limsa Lominsa, Rhotano Sea, Mists, and the general Vylbrand area. As for airships... well. She's not the best airline passenger.


Wait, when you say "statistics"...: Oh yes. Type I/II Errors, data analysis, descriptive statistics, multivariate statistics, big data, ANOVA, and t-test to name a few. Can even through in operations research techniques too, such as nonlinear/linear/integer programming and Simplex method. I have plenty of material to work with there.


Schedule: Primarily evenings throughout the week, and sometimes by appointment.


Comments: Generally, I'm trying to figure out whether or not people like this type of character in their RP setting, because I never tried this as an IC role. From what I hear, it's about a rare as a straight female Roegaedyn who is not secretly/openly a futa.

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I've played a back office, paper pusher, armchair anthropologist who aspired to nothing more than middle management so he could buy another nice suit and it was actually really well received. I was told it was due to something so normal being so out of the ordinary. :) (I still play the "tiny businessman")

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