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Aethertide Ventures «TIDE»


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Aethertide Ventures is a multifaceted free company offering protection, goods, and services throughout greater Eorzea. It is known (or in some cases criticized) for considering only the contracts and duties that it deems of interest and benefit, and refusing the rest regardless of profits. To these ends, Aethertide Venture Company is a neutral to good aligned company. People wishing Eorzea harm may not fit well here, aside those careful in hiding it...


Though Aethertide Ventures had its beginning in the Golden Bazaar, its current headquarters are located at plot 45 in ward 12 of the Mists.


The company is made up of five branches:


Outreach, dedicated to the union of all branches and the company’s relationship with Eorzea and its inhabitants.


Aegis, dedicated to the protection of the company during and between its many tasks.


Special Tactics and Operations, dedicated to problem solving and information gathering.


Commerce, dedicated to ensuring the Company turns a profit.


Medica, dedicated to the health of the Venturers and any they might aid.



About Us


We are a large, heavy roleplay, creativity-focused community that encourages quality writing and adherence to lore. Our discord server and 

enjin forums are regularly updated. In Aethertide Ventures, members are highly encouraged to share art, creative writing, and roleplay. We are most active in evenings ET.


We host seasonal events, two to three week long plot events that use our A Roll Reborn roll /random system. These may involve combat, investigations, or branching paths that will develop a story dependent on the Venturers’ decisions. We also allow members the opportunity to host member run events with the help of their fellow FC members and the officers. Our environment provides a platform for dynamic roleplay, and our members often engage in a variety of mini-plots, independent investigations and combat, and even tavern talks. New and varied roleplay scenarios occur regularly.


Our free company was founded in January of 2016. Our tag was formerly AV-RP, but changed to TIDE on 10/04/16 by member vote.






If you are interested in joining the ranks of Aethertide Ventures, please read our 

rules and complete our application for the free company. We are selective, but we will work with you to the best of our abilities if there is something about your application we consider not aligned with the free company’s standards. You will need two linkshell slots open if you are accepted, one for our in character linkshell and another for our event linkshell used for event master emotes and prompts. Though we previously allowed linkshell-only applications, we are unfortunately unable to continue doing so due to the linkshell capacity limitations and our popularity.


If your application is accepted, we will confer on to the best way to involve your character in the community if requested. This can include a mini-event, an in character interview, or something as simple as your character finding an advertisement for work and stopping by Aethertide’s headquarters. All new members are subject to a 30 day voting period. We urge applicants to take this seriously, as we do not permit re-application in cases of exit or dismissal.


If you have any questions, the easiest way to contact our officers is to reach out to us on

discord. The usernames of our current officers are as follows:


Vi Lindon (Sam)#6994



Aeolian (Khyran)#9732

Aerislana (Cordellia)#8890


Noah Kelten#4901



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TESTIMONIAL: When I came to Balmung, back in January or February... I was on the verge of unsubscribing. My home FC had dwindled away to only a few people, mostly running end-game HW content I wasn't high enough ilvl for. I was tired of running content and missing rp after a long time away, and unsure what kind of scene I'd find.


I found Aethertide on my first week in, and now it's November and I couldn't imagine leaving. The community is friendly, the officers are responsive and attentive, there's RP going on at ALL hours, I've had the chance to develop my characters so much more than I could've dreamed... and I can only look forward to many more happy months with everyone.


⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ My character has been stabbed and shot so much I've never had more fun in an MMO

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  • 1 month later...

Due to an influx of new members and applications, our recruitment is temporarily closed as of Nov. 8th. If you have submitted an application before Nov. 8th, your application is still subject to review and approval. We remain open to verified referrals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(This is a copy of the newest news post for the FC, highlighting just some of the events we've had in the last few weeks! Let me know if you have any questions!)


A wondrous Starlight Celebration and Happy Holidays to you!


First of all, we want to wish all of our members a happy andhealthy holiday season. As you can see above, the mansion has been decorated nearly to the rafters for the Starlight Celebration, please give a hearty thank you to Vi for how amazing it looks! There is a lot happening with the Aethertide, so make sure you check the site often! First, we’ll do a short recap, and then a quick teaser on things just around the corner!


First and foremost is our first seasonal event from our newofficers, A Simple Request. It’s being run by Wemrys Quintos, and features a complex storyline that evolves based on the choices that the members make! In the first installment, our stalwart Venturers fought off an attack by the Sylphs on a mysterious shipment that the Aethertide was contracted to protect. Just when our heroes thought they’d saved the day, something drew the attention of a foul Morbol and a horde of ochu along with it!


It wasn’t until they’d finally defeated the beast that theyfound out the truth: the shipment had been Milkroot all along! After a fair bit of soul searching, our very moral Venturers decided it was best to destroy the shipment to avoid any legal entanglements. Will that decision have further ramifications? Find out in part two, December 10th at 8PM EST!


Also in our news, since the last post we’ve had severalmember events that we want to spotlight. First, we had a pair of Halloween events, the first run by Khyran! In “A Dark and Stormy Night”, the Aethertide got an urgent missive from a worried mother. Her two boys hadn't been home in days- and they were last seen playing in an old, abandoned mine that was rumored to be haunted. After navigating a variety of challenging twists, turns, and spooks, they finally managed to rescue the boys from certain death.


Next, we had Necrotide, run by Tabudai. In this story, awandering minstrel came to the Aethertide’s house to weave them a tale of murder most foul. Within the tale, one of Aethertide’s own had been turning the members into unwitting undead slaves! After a spooky search of the manor for clues, the Aethertide discovered that none other than the Chief Physician Llinos Silvernail had hatched this dastardly plot in order to summon a voidsent of unspeakable power! When the story ended poorly for the heroes however, the Aethertide shooed the minstrel off their lawn and went back to their lives.


In Connor Tavarin’s event “Broken Bond”, the kind little manwas forced to face his winding, mysterious past when he destroyed a possessed tome received from unknown sources. From within the book, a terrifying creature abducted him and left Aethertide to fend off the beast while it made Connor reveal dark secrets from his past. Not at all deterred, Aethertide fought valiantly to rescue him. This did not come without a cost. While Connor may have been successfully rescued with no casualties, the creature cut his ties with the elementals, making him completely unable to use conjury. Now, however, he is making a recovery both physically and psychologically with everyone's support.


Finally, a look towards the horizon and things to come. Ourroll system is getting a bit of a tweak coming up, so keep your eyes open for that. In event news, prepare yourselves for a new season of Moogleball coming sometime before the next seasonal! Speaking of which, in January the Aethertide will have to navigate not only the dangerous streets of Ul’dah, but their politics as well! Stay tuned for “A Tangled Web”, run by me, Cordellia, and coming soon!



That’s all for now. Thank you so much for making this thebest FC on Balmung, and have a safe and happy holiday season!

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