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Seeking connections for K'orion!!!

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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this post! I wanted to start searching for characters that are also seeking other connections and wanted to see if I can snag a few awesome RPers to maybe connect with K'orion. One of these connections I would really love to have as a travel partner and others be people I would run into for information or team ups!


For my character back story, I took the privilage when I was applying for a FC (Which at this time I still don't have one) wrote down some of his back story. It will talk about his current mission his up too at this time. The link to this will be right here :) http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=17409


His personality is very cocky, slightly arrogant when he feels he has the upper hand on someone, tends to get himself in more trouble then he should, Smart when things are at stake, street smart, adapts to situations very well.


I look forward to seeing new folks and friends soon. Should be tons of fun!

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