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Pondering a transfer

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Dear Balmung,


I am looking to the possibility of transferring to Balmung and never really been there. Are there enough FC's to go around? How active is the community? What is the general mentality of the servers? I am not new to RP but still not fully veteran at RP in FFXIV. Is the community welcoming to newcomers? And what about doing dungeons and leveling?


Any and all feedback is welcomed.




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Are there enough FC's to go around?



How active is the community?

Very. There are, like, more events going on tonight than I can count on one hand. The Balmung RP Calendar is your friend.


What is the general mentality of the servers?

I'd say a bit more boisterous than most other communities, but I like it, at least.


Is the community welcoming to newcomers?

To proactive newcomers, absolutely. If you sit in a corner and moan about how you can't find any RP, people aren't going to be too chuffed. If you attend RP events, answer and follow up to Making Connections threads, call back people you've added to your friends list, and so on... well, again, I found it easy to get started, once I'd gotten over my initial shyness.


And what about doing dungeons and leveling?

We got you covered. There are other more strictly PvE-orientated linkshells, too, I think, though you'll probably get better results asking about them in-game or in PF vs. on the RPC.

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Are there enough FC's to go around?



How active is the community?

Very. There are, like, more events going on tonight than I can count on one hand. The Balmung RP Calendar is your friend.


What is the general mentality of the servers?

I'd say a bit more boisterous than most other communities, but I like it, at least.


Is the community welcoming to newcomers?

To proactive newcomers, absolutely. If you sit in a corner and moan about how you can't find any RP, people aren't going to be too chuffed. If you attend RP events, answer and follow up to Making Connections threads, call back people you've added to your friends list, and so on... well, again, I found it easy to get started, once I'd gotten over my initial shyness.


And what about doing dungeons and leveling?

We got you covered. There are other more strictly PvE-orientated linkshells, too, I think, though you'll probably get better results asking about them in-game or in PF vs. on the RPC.


On the FC's are there evil, good, neutral, "naughty" FCs?



Boisterous? Well considering I am coming from a very quiet server, I think that is good. 



Proactive. That is fine, I like going to events, I did that in WildStar. Seeing plots and seeing people. What is the general timezone for these events? I am currently EST and usually online on or around 8:30pm every day due to work and life. 


Thats cool on the PVE thing. 



Thank you for your input!

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EST is the main active timezone as far as I can tell, so you're all good there. (I'm BST. Sobs. So many 2am events.)


Good-aligned FC's are the most common type, though far from the only type. I'm not involved in the crime RP side of things at the moment (my character is, roughly/practically speaking, in law enforcement), so I can't comment on the exact level of incidence, but I know they exist. On the Lawful Evil side I've seen smuggling syndicate FC's, shady merchant FC's, Garlean FC's; on the more Chaotic Evil side of things I've seen "evil scientist" FC's, voidsent-ally FC's, and linkshells for broadly-speaking "villains". Even if the FC you find first of all isn't exactly what you're looking for, people are generally pretty good at putting you in touch with other people that might be.


The linkshell hall and the free company hall can probably help you find half a dozen, especially on the good-aligned axis, at least one of which is bound to suit your desires. Don't be afraid to join linkshells as well - they're good for making connections, and connections can lead to you finding The One True FC more reliably, since the ones suggested to you will be vouched for by something other than their own recruitment messages.

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