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Followers of Nophica


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IC Stuff!


Can you feel it? Can you sense it? That quality of peace, of tranquility, of oneness with nature and the elements.  There is a feeling that is so unique to Gridania. The culture is tied deeply to nature. It's residence almost have a spiritual bond to nature.  Look at the Conjurers guild, who's teaching are almost druidic. Or the connection to the flora and fona that is found in the teachings of the botanist. 


This is a group, made for those who feel that connection. Help take care of the land, maintain the balance  with nature, and come together to celebrate our beautiful home in the Shroud. 


This group shall gather under the name of Nophica, Gridania's patron deity. We celebrate her traits, of harvest, fertility and earth. Are a Church, a Coven, a Temple, a Cult? Maybe...we are simply those who gather to show respect to the goddess, and Gridania.


-Ella Strawberry


OOC Stuff!


Followers of Nophica is a Linkshell made for RP concerning the spirtual coonection of the resident's of Gridania to Nature.


This is an idea I have been working on for a while. At first the idea was to build a drudic based RP Free Company to take care of Gridania, gather for rituals, and even have festival type events in honor of Nophica and the rest of the Twelve. But perhaps it is best to start small, and so here I have made a linkshell! 


The idea is to focus on building up more spiritual based RP set around Final Fantasy XIV's fantastic religious lore. 


[align=center]If you are interested  please send a /tell to Ella Strawberry on Balmung or comment here. Feedback is welcome and encouraged. . I amjust starting out, but I do hope this turns into something special! It wouldamazing to see linkshells dedicated to Nald'thal and Llymlean as well! [/align]

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