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Aelfred, Son of Sigmund. LF FC/Plot

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Aelfred Sigmundsson here, interested in plots or FC's that may catch my fancy.


I'm looking for any FC that may have DM'ed events and a regular source of daily activity whether it be BarPee or something other.


I'd also like to expand my contacts if anyone is in need of a smuggler, party-goer or all-around rough guy for protection services.


He's a mix of Han-Solo meets Conan the Barbarian with a habit of drinking like a dwarf. Refer to Wiki-Page (https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Aelfred_Sigmundsson#tab=Might_and_Mead) for further answers to any questions. Can find me in game at the name Aelfred Sigmundsson or poke me here on the forum post.


Much appreciated,


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