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Shy Conjurer Looking for RP (New to RP!)

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Hello! I'm relatively new to RP on Balmung and looking for friends! Please feel free to contact me if I've peeked you interest!

My character, Illyriana Maxima, is looking to make connections and broaden her horizons. She is a young Auri Raen who's exact age is unknown, even to herself. She is place to be anywhere around 19 to 22 years of age. Due to her tragic back story (Feel free to read my wiki page if you would like to learn more before interactions with her) she found herself in a new world, struggling to find her place and make her mark. She was taken in by the Conjurer's Guild and shown kindness due to her circumstances. She now practices to become a full fledged conjurer.


She, however, is very weak and frail. Due to the emotional trauma she has suffered her hearing of the elements has dulled and her magic is weak. Knowing only minor healing spells she occasionally goes on patrols and aids with tending the wailers and citizens of Gridania as best she can.


She is extremely shy and has a hard time starting new communication with others but pushes her self to grow and blossom. Please feel free to engage her any time, just be aware that she tends to stutter and be a bit of a klutz until she has warmed up to people. 


She is quiet, frail, but extremely kind and warm hearted. She goes out of her way to help others. She has a giant love of nature, water, and animals.



Some things to be aware of:

Illyriana will not take part in any form of ERP or romantic relationship. 

Due to her past her past she has fully closed that part of her heart.


She is very shy in public events and would prefer one on one conversations with others. 

(I am still rather new and the chat spam that can happen at events is extremely overwhelming to me :( )


If you feel like you would like to take part in RP involving a shy young girl who is filled with wanderlust and a desire to expand her world please feel free to contact me via DM here or Discord/Skype. I'll link the info bellow! :moogle::chocobo:


IG Name:

Illyriana Maxima






Illyriana Maxima - [email protected]








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Hey there! I'll drop you a poke on Discord- should be pretty obvious from the SN which one is me. :D


I'm pretty much up for RP just about anytime and have no problems throwing Kasi at people. Kasi is a merc, trader, and grilling / meat enthusiast- she's pretty outgoing, friendly, and could probably get along with just about anyone. Her claims to fame would probably be her steaks, her strength, and the fact she always keeps her promises. Kasi tends to hover around Ul'dah and Gridania while she's working. She'd probably be a bit of a foil to Illyriana, I think!

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I'd be up for some antics.  Sounds like she would have fun with Magozo.  Magozo is a Lala merchant middle manager who had a quarter life crisis and has abandoned his monied ways to punch people.  This in part due to a cloaked old man who gave him a bunch of strange pamphlets.  Long story short he is a smol slightly crazy man who thinks he is larger than life now, even if it means he gets beat up from time to time (and by time to time I mean a lot.)

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