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[Flyer] The Mischief's Coven

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Looming around shady bars, down darkened alleys and questionable places. Theres a notice flying round.


[align=center]"Looking for work? Got light fingers?[/align]

[align=center]We're looking for professionals to undergo various jobs... Mistress Mischief wants you.[/align]

[align=center]Come to The Mischief's Coven, Order a Bloody Mary with no rum."[/align]



This notice is for Criminal Roleplayers! Will only be found floating through the Criminal ring, We offer a unique service, where we provide thieving roleplay opportunities (We give you marks and agree with the mark OOCly first) So come along, new jobs daily! (Available for members and non-members of the FC)

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I admit to being morbidly curious here. 


Is this purely for pickpockets and thieves? Or is there a use for some hired muscle?


There will definitely be need for muscle, Mistress Mischief has sort of a godfather complex going on, so muscle is definitely welcomed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres a little slice of what we get up to should you respond to the flyer!



[align=center]'"A Job for two Lads"[/align]




Liliro, was just minding the Bar when two Gents, A lalafell named Rarakumo Nonokumo and a Roe Ein Arkhan came on inside. They decided to order a couple drinks, Bloody marys. Knowing exactly what the boys were after, Lili slipped them a note and linkpearl discreetly telling them they will be contacted soon for work...



A couple suns passed, and the linkpearl Buzzed. Mistress mischief had a job, and it was the lads chance to prove themselves to the boss. They met outside Ul'dah at Scorpions Crossing in the dead of night, cloaked and secluded. Mistress Mischief gave them the mark's Address. The Job was simple, follow an Au Ra named Ataashi to his company, then wait until its clear, and clean the place out. The Lads agreed and left. 



It was only two days later when the Lads buzzed the pearl, hoping to reach the Mistress, They'd done it, the mission was complete. They met Miss Mischief in her office, a thick. bulging briefcase in hand as they walked in. They three chatted about how it went, apparently without a hitch. The two opened up the contents, filled to the brim with gil, diamonds, emeralds, all matter of shiny things. it was a score n' a half! Lili weighed in the contents, and paid the boys handsomely for their service. 15 Million Gil's worth! High end jobs pay high end bounties.



They shook hands, and the boys left, stating they will be back for further work soon...





(This was a lot of fun to roleplay out! Thanks to the two lads who decided to use the mischief's coven RP services and thank you to the guy for being such a good sport! If you wish to get involved, be it a victim or employee, give Liliro Liro a message!)

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Hey Liliro


I am not sure if you are just looking for criminals to work with or if you are open to something a little more adversarial. My character is pretty much the opposite of what you are looking for and actively hunts down thieves and other ne'er do wells. Kasi calls her a goodie two shoes, but I think we could work together to come up with something fun for both of us. She is one of the founding members of a group of volunteer knights who responds to requests for help from NPC or PC characters. Perhaps she would be looking into retrieving something your group has stolen? Or maybe the Protectors make a good target for your thieves to prove themselves? Maybe one of your thieves is drawing a few too many complaints and we need to turn the pressure up?


If you are interested let me know and we can discuss further over discord/PM/tells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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