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[Balmung] Looking for Friends, Antagonists, Alliances!

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I'm looking for new connections for Arin, both good and bad. Plot based RP is my main focus with the potential of DM'd events, adventure, and suspense! With her rather secluded nature she doesn't have very many friends or 'enemies' and I'd like to change that.

To briefly summarize Arin:

Most of her years were spent at the Ossuary in Ul'dah after becoming a run-away where she learned the arts of Thaumaturgy. Eventually she got into research, mostly independent and none of her works have ever been published (for good reason). She has fought for her life, resigned herself to a life of black-market work (temporarily), and even went as far as to break certain laws for the greater good. Despite her rather submissive personality, she can become bold and authoritative when the situation calls for it. With some of her past it wouldn't be uncommon if rumors had spread about her.

What I'm looking for:

Friends: There is only one person Arin can truly call her friend and even that is built upon a shaky foundation. She wanders the Quicksand for most of her day, lurking outside and around the streets of Ul'dah observing the populace and eyeing for specific personalities or trade skills.


Antagonists: Arin has no current enemies aside from her unhindered hatred for the Garlean Empire (with much thanks to previous events), but it wouldn't be unheard of if she had some who despised her in return. Arin has been involved with black market deals, smuggling, and secret projects to potentially overthrow the governing entity (even if this was truly by association and no action on her end). PM me if you have any ideas that you think might be fit for this role or if you need further information!


Allies: Recently, Arin has been posting herself as a helping hand. While her main trait lies in her ability and willingness to research even the most taboo of subjects, she's not opposed to other actions with the best interest in mind. Despite her shyness she does have a rather bold and protective personality when it comes to those she cares for.


Other: If there's another role you'd like to play just let me know! After all, what's life without a myriad of different personalities?


Other information:

Wiki: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Arin_Tayuun


If you have any further questions, just let me know. I'll be more than happy to answer them!

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This certainly caught my attention! Black magic? Vague, black market connections? Sign me up!


There's a few ideas off the top of my head that I have...


Kasi probably wouldn't be an antagonist to Arin purely because she refuses to fight with other Miqo'te. She's something of a racial nationalist there. Of course, there might be circumstances where Kasi could take a job (bounty, perhaps?) targeting Arin without knowing Arin is a Miqo'te, even though she'd certainly be sure to ask beforehand. It just means the employer lied. 


Kasi as a friend and ally is probably far more likely though. While intelligent, Kasi is anything but booksmart, so she leans heavily on those around her to give her access to the knowledge contained within the written word. She's the brawn side, really, with a bit of brain. She's got a few ongoing projects in that department. She also has black market connections as part of her mercenary work, and turns a blind eye to things like slavery and the dark arts for the most part. 


You're welcome to browse Kasi's RPC page, too! Let me know if anything catches your eye or if this sounds interesting enough!

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Hey, I've looked over your thread, and would be interested in rp'ing some time.



[align=center]The Soldier[/align]





My main, Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn.  A Maelstrom vet with over 19 years of combative experience, a warriors soul crystal around his neck, and an axe larger than most hyur, he's an intimidating son of a bitch.  But appearances can be deceiving.  The man is incredibly kind, to the point of nearly being selfless.  Always willing to help someone in need for the price of a pint and a tale afterwards: be it stopping street thugs, or pummeling primals, he's game.  




The Inventor



Growing up in a traditional Dunesfolk Nomadic family, Jujuwai is a bit... rustic.  He, his three brothers, and one sister, all grew up roaming Thanalan upon the backs of a herd of adamantoise, and it often shows in his mannerisms.  However, thanks to the firm insistence and efforts of his mother, he and his siblings where all educated.  Following the calamity, the family was forced to stop their nomadic ways for a time, and take refuge in Ul'dah, where they all took up various jobs in order to sustain themselves.  In the instance of Jujuwai, this was an apprenticeship with an engineer of the Garlond Ironworks.  Years later, Jujuwai has come into his own as an engineer and mechanic, working in the employ of the Foreign Levies of the Maelstrom as support staff: repairing and creating devices to help them fight the good fight.




The Professor



[align=left]Hailing from the Western Highlands of Coerthas, Aulsoix Claimane is a scholar of thaumaturgy, archaeology, history, and any other topics what happen to grab the interest of his infinitely curious mind. He keeps his personal life mostly to himself, preferring general anonymity.  He currently works in the employ of the Thaumaturges Guild of Ul'dah, where he specializes in the handling of dangerous artifacts: often being sent out to retrieve them to be brought back to the ossuarry for safe keeping and study.  He has been known to teach classes at various institutions around Eorzia, and even takes on the occasional pupil, educating them in the thaumaturgical arts.  


Upon first meeting, he is impeccably polite and cordial, if a bit distant.  Often coming across as cold, it is likely a byproduct of his Ishgardian upbringing.  However, as one gets to know him, he has been known to loosen up on occasion; typically with a glass of wine in hand.



[align=center]The Gladiator[/align]




Illeaux Dravant grew up a troublesome street rat in the city of Ul'dah, fighting tooth and nail to survive.   When he reached adulthood, unfortunate cirucumstances took him into the arena, where he fights to this day.  He's gruff, rough around the edges, and has a penchant for drinking and smoking... but at heart he's a good guy, and more than willing to risk it all to help those in need.  So long as its his definition of "in need".   



[align=center]The Survivor[/align]










One of the last know members of his clan, G'rahta is a friendly miqo'te... if an onze serious at times.  Trained since his youth to be a warrior, and to protect his peoples village, he is an expert combatant.   When the Empire pressed into Othard, he joined with the resistance, leaving his village behind, only to return once the resistance fell to find that the village was raised during the war.   He has since come to Eorzea, and is searching for his fellows amongst the other refugees to some success...

color=#3e3320]Hey, I've looked over your thread, and would be interested in rp'ing some time.[/color]





[align=center]The Soldier[/align]







My main, Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn.  A Maelstrom vet with over 19 years of combative experience, a warriors soul crystal around his neck, and an axe larger than most hyur, he's an intimidating son of a bitch.  But appearances can be deceiving.  The man is incredibly kind, to the point of nearly being selfless.  Always willing to help someone in need for the price of a pint and a tale afterwards: be it stopping street thugs, or pummeling primals, he's game.  




The Inventor



Growing up in a traditional Dunesfolk Nomadic family, Jujuwai is a bit... rustic.  He, his three brothers, and one sister, all grew up roaming Thanalan upon the backs of a herd of adamantoise, and it often shows in his mannerisms.  However, thanks to the firm insistence and efforts of his mother, he and his siblings where all educated.  Following the calamity, the family was forced to stop their nomadic ways for a time, and take refuge in Ul'dah, where they all took up various jobs in order to sustain themselves.  In the instance of Jujuwai, this was an apprenticeship with an engineer of the Garlond Ironworks.  Years later, Jujuwai has come into his own as an engineer and mechanic, working in the employ of the Foreign Levies of the Maelstrom as support staff: repairing and creating devices to help them fight the good fight.




The Professor



[align=left]Hailing from the Western Highlands of Coerthas, Aulsoix Claimane is a scholar of thaumaturgy, archaeology, history, and any other topics what happen to grab the interest of his infinitely curious mind. He keeps his personal life mostly to himself, preferring general anonymity.  He currently works in the employ of the Thaumaturges Guild of Ul'dah, where he specializes in the handling of dangerous artifacts: often being sent out to retrieve them to be brought back to the ossuarry for safe keeping and study.  He has been known to teach classes at various institutions around Eorzia, and even takes on the occasional pupil, educating them in the thaumaturgical arts.  


Upon first meeting, he is impeccably polite and cordial, if a bit distant.  Often coming across as cold, it is likely a byproduct of his Ishgardian upbringing.  However, as one gets to know him, he has been known to loosen up on occasion; typically with a glass of wine in hand.



[align=center]The Gladiator[/align]




Illeaux Dravant grew up a troublesome street rat in the city of Ul'dah, fighting tooth and nail to survive.   When he reached adulthood, unfortunate cirucumstances took him into the arena, where he fights to this day.  He's gruff, rough around the edges, and has a penchant for drinking and smoking... but at heart he's a good guy, and more than willing to risk it all to help those in need.  So long as its his definition of "in need".  



[align=center]The Survivor[/align]










One of the last know members of his clan, G'rahta is a friendly miqo'te... if an onze serious at times.  Trained since his youth to be a warrior, and to protect his peoples village, he is an expert combatant.   When the Empire pressed into Othard, he joined with the resistance, leaving his village behind, only to return once the resistance fell to find that the village was raised during the war.   He has since come to Eorzea, and is searching for his fellows amongst the other refugees to some success...





She and Aulsoix seem to have a similar interests, though with his personality I cant say for certain how they would mesh.    G'rahta is one of my newer characters, and always in need of friends.   Fyrilsunn and Jujuwai are each the overly friendly sort, and will make friends with a stump if given a chance.

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